

首先也是最重要的, ODU's main campus and that of the Peninsula and Virginia Beach Higher Education Centers are located within a 5 mile radius of a military airport installation. All Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) operated for business or recreational purposes within a five mile radius of a military airport cannot be operated without the military providing explicit permission. Likewise, operations within five miles of a civilian airport requires similar approvals. The ODU Office for Risk Management is responsible for requesting flight permission for UAS operations.

To address the use of drones on campus, ODU has established Policy #3015: Unmanned Aircraft System aka Drones, Aerials and Other Powered Model Aircraft. 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 供应商 and Guests who plan to operate a drone on or over property owned or controlled by ODU are required to abide by this policy.

商业 & 爱好者的航班

The FAA has broken the flight operations into two basic sections:

A. 商业

The first is 商业 and it is known as Part 107. If you are flying for someone else and receiving any monetary or other valuable property as payment for your flight services (flight services may include still or motion photography, 调查, 映射, 等..) or you are flying to use the product of your flight for personal or business gain, then you are flying for commercial purposes. 像这样, you are required by Part 107 to hold a Remote Pilot in Command License and register your 无人机/无人驾驶飞机 with the FAA.

  • To obtain a Remote Pilot in Command license you must pass the FAA's RPI test. More information on the test can be found 在这里.
  • To learn what you need to know to pass the PRIC test, visit: http://remotepilot101.com/

B. 爱好者

Next is 娱乐al aka 爱好者. You are considered a recreational user if you fly your drone for fun. It is important to know when and where you can fly and how to register your drone.

To Fly a 无人机/无人驾驶飞机 on Campus You Must:

  1. 申请odu营运商许可证

    Key to this process is a requirement to obtain an ODU-issued operator's permit prior to operation of a drone on the campus or other property owned or controlled by the University. To apply, operators must register as a potential ODU UAS PIC/Operator by 点击此链接.

  2. 提交一份无人机请求表格

    Once registered as a ODU UAS PIC/Operator, you will receive a pilot registration number. You will use this number when submitting a 无人机/无人驾驶飞机 Request Form. You will need to attach a PDF copy of the 无人机/无人机飞行申请表 to the online 无人机/无人驾驶飞机 Request form.

    如果你是第三方, when completing the online form, you will need to provide a copy of your FAA Registration and proof of 无人机/无人驾驶飞机 Aviation 保险. 如果你是第三方 with your own Certificate of Authorization, you will need to obtain approval from Navel Air Station Norfolk Chambers Field Tower at 850-287-5666.

  3. 完成美国联邦航空局注册

    商业 operators and hobbyists (operators flying for fun) are required to register their drone with the FAA via the FAA Registration Form and submit a copy of their registration card or certificate to the Office for Risk Management when applying for a permit.

  4. 购买无人机保险

    In addition, operators are required to have and maintain 无人机/无人驾驶飞机 insurance coverage. Most commercial liability policies and personal homeowners and renters policies exclude liability coverage for 无人机/无人驾驶飞机 operation. Therefore, operators will need to secure coverage separately.

    • 商业运营商 will need to provide a Certificate of 保险 showing at least $2,000,000 in coverage and include bet8体育娱乐入口 as an additional insured on its 无人机/无人驾驶飞机 Aviation coverage.
    • 爱好者运营商 need to provide evidence of insurance coverage as well, and can work with the ODU Drone Club to obtain Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership, which includes the coverage ODU requires.
    • 其他无人机系统营办商 needing to obtain 无人机/无人驾驶飞机 insurance may contact 全球 Aerospace, an aviation insurance company offering on-demand 无人机/无人驾驶飞机 insurance coverage for around $10 per hour.