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科学的酒吧 ODU is an opportunity for anyone to have casual conversations with ODU researchers out in the community. Join us for a lively 和 engaging discussion; a curious mind is all that's needed!







安德鲁·贝内特博士. D.


强调? 疲惫? 不知所措? 你并不孤单. Recent findings from the American Psychological Association report that Americans are feeling the highest stress 和 fatigue levels in more than 15 years.

加入我们,与博士对话. Bennett where he will discuss his research about what you can do to reduce work-related fatigue 和 stress during work 和 after work each day.

科学的酒吧 ODU is an opportunity for the community to engage with ODU researchers in an informal setting.

请于4月28日前回复: http://fs25.formsite.com/researchdev/vf7xc0nbup/index.html

Join us for a lively 和 engaging discussion; a curious mind is all that's needed!

The first 20 guests to arrive will receive a beverage ticket.

2021 - 22酒吧

杰西卡·C. 怀特黑德,Ph值. D - What Does a Resilient Hampton Roads Look like in 2050?

布莱恩·E. 波特,Ph值. D - Preventing Roadway Deaths: It's a Bit More Complicated than Blaming Drivers

安妮特·芬利-克劳斯怀特博士. D - Historical True Crime: Lessons From A Murder in Vichy France

艾米丽·古德曼-斯科特博士. D. ——COVID时代的心理健康

ODURESEARCH生 林赛球 (人体运动科学), 安娜Dreab (化学), Saige山 (公共管理 & 政策), 梅根·Mozingo (人文), Adenrele Oludiran (Chemistry) presented 5 minute Lightning Talks on their research.

2020 - 21酒吧

ODURESEARCH生 布伦达Berumen-Flucker (School of Community 和 Environmental 健康), 娜塔莉,我. 克鲁兹 (教育基金会 & 领导), 格兰特高地 (国际RESEARCHRESEARCH生课程) Joedian莫里斯 (化学与生物化学) Tihara理查森 (公共服务学院) 奥斯汀Tapp (生物医学 Engineering Institute) presented RESEARCH生 Student Lightning Talks

Dr. 安德鲁·基塞尔博士. Krzysztof Rechowicz和John Shull, 《bet8体育娱乐入口》

Dr. 里卡多Ungo, "Creating 弹性 in Medical Supply Chains"

Dr. 劳尔Briceno,"Heart of the Matter: A Journey into the World of Quarks 和 Gluons"

Dr. 泰德Gournelo5、“社交媒体的政治黑暗面”

Dr. 约书亚原意, 你叫优素福 Jennife Whytlaw, 和 Nicole Hutton Shannon飓风疏散 & COVID-19期间的庇护所”

2019 - 20的酒吧

Dr. 汉斯-彼得·普莱格,埃迪·希尔,和塔季扬娜·洛博娃, "Leaders for a Sustainable Future: Engaging Students in Tackling Wicked Real World Problems" at Elation Brewing

Dr. Michael L. 纳尔逊, "We Can Archive All of Your Social Media But Should We?在腔棘鱼酿造公司

Dr. 艾米Milligan, "Selma's Untold Jewish 历史" at Maker's Craft Brewery

Dr. 是的Liu-Thompkins, "How Do Online 消费者 Reviews Shape What We Buy?在Smartmouth酿造公司

Dr. 海伦克朗普顿, "技术 in Education: The Good, the Bad, 和 the Ugly在Smartmouth酿造公司

Dr. 罗伯特·麦克纳布, "The Commonwealth in 2020" at Maker's Craft Brewery

Drs. Chris Zajchowski, Kyle Davis, Yilun Zhou, 和 Justin Haegele, "The 影响 of COVID-19 on Exercise, Outdoor 娱乐, 和 School-based Physical Education"

Drs. 蒂娜·古斯汀和卡罗琳·拉特利奇,“远程医疗:过去、现在和未来”

艾莉森·斯泰因,艺术硕士,《bet8九州登录入口》 & 艺术家回应的功能”


  • Drs. Dan Barshis和Dave Gauthier, "The Science of Beer" at Bold Mariner Brewing Company
  • Dr. 冬青鱼钩, "Don't be Outsmarted by a Tick: Underst和ing the Risks of Ticks in Hampton Roads" at Rip Rap Brewing Company
  • Dr. 汤姆·艾伦和乔治·麦克劳德, "Sea Level Science: Innovative Mapping of the Rising Tide" at Oozlefinch Craft Brewing Co.
  • Dr. 罗德里克·格雷厄姆, "New Crimes, New Victims, New Offenders: Cybercrime in the 21st Century" 在Smartmouth酿造公司.
  • Dr. 员工安妮Michalek “制造一些噪音! Linking ADHD 和 Audiovisual Speech Processing in Noise" at Deadline Brewing
  • Dr. 纳克塔·斯帕克曼·基"Suffering in Silence: Mental 健康 Awareness for Parents in Urban Communities" 在腔棘鱼酿造公司.
  • ODURESEARCH生 莉莉达 艺术学院 & 字母) 克里斯蒂娜哈里森 (斯特罗姆商学院) 丽贝卡·约翰达顿教育学院 & 专业RESEARCH) Xavier-Lewis帕默 巴顿工程学院 & 技术) 莫莉长(健康科学学院) 和谐马爹利 (理学院) presented "RESEARCH生 Student Lightning Talks" 奥康纳酿酒公司.
  • Dr. 詹妮弗鱼, "The Making of Migrants 和 the Rights of Care" at Bearded Bird Brewing Co.
  • Dr. 林赛·亚瑟, "Sun, S和, 和 Rising Seas: 弹性 in Coastal 娱乐 和 Tourism" at Smartmouth Pilot House
  • Dr. 迈克艾伦, "Building 弹性 to Heatwaves in a Changing Climate" at Oozlefinch Craft Brewery
  • Dr. 丹尼尔·理查兹, "The Art of Communicating Science" 奥康纳酿酒公司.
  • 理查德·尼克尔,美术硕士, “艺术的商业” at Toast, followed by a tour of Norfolk Growler
  • Dr. 罗伯特·克莱默 "Healing our Heroes: The Science of Risk 和 弹性 for 军事 Mental 健康" 在Smartmouth酿造公司.
  • Carol Considine, MS; “绿化减少水浸” at Commonwealth Brewing Company in 弗吉尼亚海滩.
  • Dr. 吴弘毅“迈克尔”博士. 萨钦Shetty, "网络安全: Safely Navigating the Digital L和scape" 在腔棘鱼酿造公司. 在诺福克.
  • Dr. 你叫优素福 “钟声,钟声无处不在...《bet8体育娱乐入口》 在门罗堡的Oozlefinch酿酒公司
  • RESEARCH生“闪电谈话”来自 阿里•布尔戈斯《bet8九州登录入口》; Mindy Gumpert, "An Examination of Scientific Argumentation in an Elementary Inclusive Classroom"; Natasha Hagemeyer, “合作是为了鸟”; Stephanie Hawthorne, "Harbored: Making 历史 Interactive through Digital Exhibition"; Aydin Oksoy, "Dealing with Angel Investors: The Anchoring Effect in Unstructured Negotiation"; John Reid, "Accessible Bioprinting: Design 和 Development of a 3D Bioprinting Device" 朱莉·斯通内尔"Campus Resource Usage by Victims of Sexual Violence" 奥康纳酿酒公司. 在诺福克.
  • 美术硕士艾莉森·斯泰因, “3d打印:融合古代。 & 艺术创作的新技术” 在诺福克市NEON区的“胡子鸟”餐厅
  • Dr. 詹妮弗Michaeli, "Naval Engineering at ODU" 在腔棘鱼酿造公司.,诺福克
  • Dr. 巴尔沙Terzic《bet8体育娱乐入口》," 在圣. 乔治勃朗宁公司.,汉普顿
  • 杰西大富翁, "Science 和 Democracy in American Elections," at Commonwealth Brewing Co.弗吉尼亚海滩
  • 德里克·洛夫蒂斯 维吉尼亚海洋科学RESEARCH所 米歇尔Covi ODU的,"Following the Flood: 弹性 RESEARCH in Hampton Roads" at Oozlefinch Brewery, Monroe要塞.
  • RESEARCH生 from across ODU presented thesis-related talks of five minutes or less on their research, followed by a question 和 answer panel 在腔棘鱼酿造公司.,诺福克.
  • Dr. Avi圣, 奥德赛大学人文RESEARCH所所长, "Why the Man of Steel Cannot Have His Own Super Condoms: Value Management in the Character Licensing Biz,在tap Gastropub弗吉尼亚海滩.
  • Dr. 约书亚原意“我应该离开道奇吗??在诺福克的奥康纳酿酒公司
  • Dr. 本Hamlington“我们对海平面上升到底了解多少??在圣. 汉普顿的乔治酿造公司
  • Drs. 彼得·舒尔曼,格雷格·卡特和维多利亚·希尔, "Exploring the Changing Arctic: A Trip to the North Pole for Jules Vernes' 188th Birthday" at Wasserhund Brewing Company弗吉尼亚海滩
  • Dr. 迈克尔•艾伦 "Heat Waves to Hurricanes: A Conversation About Weather, 《bet8九州登录入口》在罗杰·布朗餐厅出版, 朴茨茅斯




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