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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

Austin Agho named ODU provost and vice president for academic affairs

Old Dominion University has named Augustine "Austin" O. Agho, 印第安纳大学普渡大学印第安纳波利斯分校健康与康复科学学院院长, to the position of provost and vice president for academic affairs, 6月1日生效, 2016. 教务长和负责学术事务的副校长是学校的最高学术官员,直接向校长汇报.

An accomplished and celebrated teacher, researcher and leader in health services administration, Agho是由艾伦·纽菲尔德(Ellen Neufeldt)担任主席的一个16人委员会在全国范围内进行的遴选中选出的, vice president for student engagement and enrollment services.

"I am thrilled to welcome a scholar and research leader of Dr. Agho's caliber to Old Dominion," President John R. 布罗德里克说. “他作为一名教育家和学术项目的开发者的背景确实非常出色, 作为一名管理者,他对学生成功、校园多样性和包容性的承诺也是如此.

"Dr. Agho has excelled as a dean at two urban universities, demonstrating creative vision to conceive and successfully execute strategic plans. I am excited that we will now move forward under Dr. Agho's inspiring academic leadership."

布罗德里克感谢临时教务长钱德拉·德·席尔瓦自6月以来在该职位上的服务, when former provost Carol Simpson stepped down. 德席尔瓦宣布他将在本学年结束时从老自治领退休. 布罗德里克还对纽菲尔德和遴选委员会的成功工作表示祝贺.

纽菲尔德表示,委员会立即对Agho在指导本科生和RESEARCH生学术和在线课程从概念到健康发展方面的良好记录印象深刻. Agho, 他于1989年在爱荷华大学获得医院和卫生管理博士学位, was appointed a dean at University of Michigan-Flint in 2001. He took the same office in 2008 at IUPUI, a 30,000-student research university ranked in the top 20 by U.S. News and World Report for its undergraduate teaching and graduate nursing programs.

"Dr. 20多年来,Agho一直在学术领导岗位上发光发亮。. “他是一个有远见和成就的教育家,他将作为一个鼓舞人心的学术领袖和倡导者为老自治领服务."

As a research principal investigator or project director, Agho已经获得了五笔价值100万美元或更多的资助,用于健康职业机会项目. 内含1美元.为印第安纳大学健康职业机会项目拨款900万美元, 健康 资源 服务s 政府. In Michigan, he secured $1.200万美元.S. 莫特基金会建立城市健康中心,为保险不足的当地居民提供初级保健和物理治疗服务. And he secured an additional $2.400万美元用于设计和实施旨在增加护理和健康科学专业少数民族学生入学率的计划.

作为一名教授, Agho在Sangamon州立大学(现在的伊利诺伊大学斯普林菲尔德分校)获得了许多卓越教学荣誉,包括1992年的功勋教学奖. 在佛罗里达A大学&米大学, Agho was named Teacher of the Year in 1999, 2000年被国家历史黑人学院和大学RESEARCH网络授予杰出RESEARCH成就, and named Advanced Teacher of the Year in 2001.

在IUPUI, Agho领导了两项战略计划的制定和实施,通过这些计划,学校建立了新的本科和RESEARCH生专业课程. Agho established faculty, staff and distinguished alumni awards, 并采取了支持教师进行RESEARCH和获得外部资助的政策. 他增加了校友捐款,以资助学生奖学金,并加强了学校对多样性和教师文化能力的承诺, 教职员及学生.

Agho还建立了健康科学学士和硕士学位课程(在线和校内)。, and a master's of physician assistant studies. 另外, he created an undergraduate certificate program in gerontology, 以及全球健康和康复RESEARCH的本科和RESEARCH生证书课程, and rehabilitation and disability. 在他任职期间,IUPUI的年平均RESEARCH经费从50万美元增加到1万美元.6 million, and the minority student population at IUPUI increased from 6.5 percent to 18 percent.

“被任命为bet8体育娱乐入口教务长和负责学术事务的副校长,我感到非常荣幸,阿哥说. “这个职位对我最有吸引力的是奥德赛大学长期以来对学术卓越的承诺, cutting-edge global research, 在线教育, 学生的成功, 多样性, and community engagement. 我期待着为ODU服务,并与Broderick校长和校园领导一起提升我们教师的学术工作, advance the success of our students, and enhance the economic vitality of the Hampton Roads region."

Agho以优异成绩毕业于阿拉斯加州安克雷奇的阿拉斯加太平洋大学管理科学专业. 他获得了位于大学公园的州长州立大学的卫生管理硕士学位, 生病了., before he earned his Ph.D. in hospital and health administration from the University of Iowa.

"Austin Agho has excelled in all three traditional academic areas," said Interim Provost Chandra de Silva. “奥斯汀的冷静和乐于合作将是我们大学的宝贵财富."

Broderick博士补充道. Agho has extensive experience as a proponent of innovative research, interdisciplinary education and online programs. His track record for the development, implementation and assessment of academic programs clearly stood out."

Broderick thanked the members of the campus-wide search committee for their service. 这些成员是:

文学院 and 信s - Dean Charles Wilson, 英语教授, 大学教授, and former SCHEV outstanding faculty award winner; and Jennifer Fish, 副教授兼妇女RESEARCH主席,现任教务委员会成员;

Strome College of Business - Dean Jeff Tanner, professor of marketing; and Ling Li, 资讯科技/决策科学教授及前教务委员会委员;

Darden College of Education - Nina Brown, professor of counseling and human services, Eminent Scholar and current member of the 教师 Senate Executive Committee; and Stacie Raymer, 沟通障碍与特殊教育系教授兼系主任,前教务委员会委员;

Batten College of Engineering and 技术 - Andres Sousa-Posa, associate professor of engineering management and systems engineering and former member of the 教师 Senate; and Rick McKenzie, professor and chair of modeling, simulation and visualization engineering;

College of 健康 Sciences - Carolyn Rutledge, 护理学教授, 2014 SCHEV outstanding faculty award winner, and former member of the 教师 Senate; and Scott Sechrist, 医学诊断和转化科学副教授、项目主任和教务执行委员会现任成员;

理学院 - Charles Sukenik, professor and chair of physics; and Rodger Harvey, professor and chair of ocean, earth and atmospheric sciences and former interim vice president for research;

Academic Affairs - Brian Payne, vice provost for graduate and undergraduate academic programs; and Andy Casiello, associate vice president for distance learning;

学生-易博拉姆, doctoral student in GPIS and former student representative to the board of visitors.



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