
Department Chair

Professor & Chair Electrical & Computer Engineering

Associate Chair

Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering

Graduate Program Directors

Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering

Associate Professor Academic Affairs

Associate Professor Academic Affairs


Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering

Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering

Office Staff

Office Mgr & Graduate Asst Electrical & Computer Engineering
Academic Coord & Prog Mgr Electrical & Computer Engineering


Senior Lecturer Academic Affairs
Associate Professor Academic Affairs
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor & Eminent Scholar Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor & Chair Electrical & Computer Engineering
Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor 弗兰克·雷迪生物电学研究中心
Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor Academic Affairs
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor & Executive Director Csics 建模、分析 & Simulation Center
Executive Director & Associate Professor
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor & Batten在网络安全领域担任主席 School of Cybersecurity
Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Associate Professor Academic Affairs

Professor & Director Office of Research


Professor & Eminent Scholar Electrical & Computer Engineering


Executive Director & Associate Professor


Professor & Executive Director Csics 建模、分析 & Simulation Center


Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering


School of Cybersecurity

Professor & Batten在网络安全领域担任主席 School of Cybersecurity

School of Data Science

Professor & Director Office of Research

Mournir Laroussi Headshot

Dr. Mounir Laroussi于2002年加入Old Dominion University电气与计算机工程系,担任副教授,并于2008年获得教授学位. 2007年至2014年,他担任ODU激光和等离子体工程研究所所长, 2014年至5月担任ODU等离子工程和医学研究所主任, 2024. 他是2006年和2014年欧洲经委会优秀教学奖的获得者. 他曾于2005年获得巴顿工程学院 and Technology卓越研究奖,并于2009年获得ODU的研究成就奖. In addition, Dr. Laroussi在低温等离子体物理及其生物医学应用领域获得了多个国内和国际知名奖项, 在这个领域,他被公认为先驱和领导权威.

Dr. Laroussi在期刊和会议论文集上发表了200多篇论文. 他一直在世界研究人员中排名前2%. 他撰写和合编了4本书,并为其他书籍贡献了8章. 他是IEEE、APS和IPCS的会员. 他曾担任各种会议的主席,并仍在几家科学期刊的编辑委员会任职.

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John Sokolowski,获普渡大学计算机科学学士学位, 工程管理硕士学位, and a Ph.D. bet8体育娱乐入口建模与仿真专业毕业. After a career in the U. S. Navy spanning 27 years, 他于2001年加入Old Dominion,担任ODU研究基金会的高级研究科学家. 2004年,Sokolowski转到ODU,成为ODU弗吉尼亚建模的首席科学家, 分析仿真中心(VMASC). 2010年,他被选为VMASC的执行董事,并被授予副教授. 他于2016年被授予计算建模与仿真(CMSE)部门的终身教职. In 2017, Sokolowski辞去了VMASC的执行董事职务,转而在CMSE部门任教.

索科洛夫斯基曾担任bet8体育娱乐入口12名硕士生和博士生的主要教授. 他还担任了另外18名硕士和博士生的联合顾问. 他自2010年以来一直在ODU的教务参议院任职,并于2019年至2022年担任参议院主席. 索科洛夫斯基在VMASC任职期间,个人负责800多万美元的研究经费. 作为VMASC的执行董事,他将该中心的研究组合多样化,超越了国防部的研究组合,进入了几个领域, including cyber security.

Sokolowski的研究涉及计算机模拟中人类行为的计算表示. 他出版了四本关于建模和仿真的书籍,并在16篇期刊文章和46篇会议论文中担任作者或合著者. 他还曾担任the Society for Modeling and Simulation International的总裁和董事会主席.

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