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Strategy Words with ODU blue overlay

Strategic Plan Executive Task Force

使命、愿景, Scope and Strategic Direction

给n the University's position as a major metropolitan university in the southeast United States, how can we express the University's mission to its constituencies and community? How should strategic partnerships and a student-centered culture be incorporated?
What are the Vision and 值 expressed in the University's mission?
What are the University's priorities, 重点领域, pillars of excellence that it wants to promote? How should the University balance access versus quality?

Assist in the evaluation and synthesis of the committee reports into a Draft Old Dominion University Strategic Plan: 2009-2014.


CO-CHAIR Carol Simpson 教务长
联合主席肯·戴利 A&L /艺术
达纳·艾伦 校友办公室-中西区
安迪Casiello Academic Tech 服务s
比尔法官 企业管理
詹妮弗·马伦 Institutional Advancement
比尔奥因斯 Education - 领导 & 咨询
迈克·皮尔森 艺术 & 信件-英文
安Pettingill Library 政府
值得皮克林 Institutional RESEARCH & 评估
杰弗里·理查兹 艺术 & 信件-英文
斯科特Sechrist 地中海. 实验室 & 辐射科学
丹,前所未有 Science - Biology Emeritus
Deb Swiecinski 政府 and Finance
琳达Vahala College of Engineering & 技术 - Associate Dean
生锈的Waterfield OCCS
拉里·温斯坦 科学-物理学
工作人员马蒂·夏普 Institutional RESEARCH & 评估
工作人员Alice McAdory 登记管理

主要的主题 and Overall 注意事项

  • Bolstering Old Dominion University's position as a Major Metropolitan University in the Southeast United States
  • Developing and Expanding Strategic Partnerships with wide range of educational, 政府, corporate institutions
  • Enriching a Student-Centered 文化 on Campus

  • Identification of institutional strengths and challenges pertinent to Committee ScopeIdentification of external opportunities and threats pertinent to the Committee Scope
  • 区域 of Distinctiveness in Academic Programs and RESEARCH; Pillars of Excellence; Expertise
  • 区域.Ideal size and composition of student body and faculty
  • Perspectives of stakeholders, beneficiaries and constituencies
  • University's regional, national, and international position
  • Leveraging geographic advantage
  • Balancing Quality and Access
  • Instructional Delivery: face-to-face vs. technology-delivered/on- vs. off-campus/role of regional centers
  • 服务 to military and veterans
  • Consideration of substantial resource limitations during the planning window; presumption of reallocation of resources
  • Keep recommendations at a strategic level, all the while considering relevant operational and tactical issues.
  • Propose directions which have reasonable potential for sustainability
  • Planning documents and recommendations arising from the Strategic 登记管理 Process
  • Draft Plans of the Academic Colleges
  • SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, Opportunities) Analysis Conducted for the 参观委员会
  • 教师 Senate General Education Recommendations
  • Council of RESEARCH生院s Analysis of RESEARCH生 Studies and Programs
  • Distance 学习 Analysis of Niche and 组织
  • Enrollment, Degree, and Resource Trends by Department and Program
  • Higher Education Restructuring Act and Institutional Performance Measures
  • Other information as requested


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