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ODU 库' Fowler Has Taken an Unconventional Route

乔治·福勒 will become Interim University Librarian with Old Dominion 大学图书馆, effective when Virginia O'Herron retires from the position August 1 after 21 years at ODU.


Tedx Hampton Roads speaker

Across Campus - A Photo Essay

Old Dominion University, and the Ted Constant Convocation Center, recently hosted an installment of the popular TEDx speaking events. TEDx汉普顿路, which is short for 技术, 娱乐, 设计, was sponsored by Dominion Enterprises and Old Dominion University. 泰德事件, which have been held around the country, bring leaders in a variety of subject areas together to discuss ideas that are, 集体, 塑造我们的未来. The day-long Norfolk event featured Hans-Peter Plag, professor of oceanography and director of Old Dominion University's Mitigation and Adaptation RESEARCH Institute (MARI), 等.

Photos by David Hollingsworth


虽然图片来源:Chuck Thomas

Engineers have long been at the forefront of new developments testing the boundaries of technology and design. So it's no surprise to find (L-R) Erin Colwell, Denisse Thillet and Sherri Watson, advisors at the Center for Major Exploration, among the first to try out a set of new chairs in the recently constructed Engineering Systems Building, across from the Perry Library.


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