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April 时刻: 学生参与


奥黛丽T. “芽”保罗, 1933年在诺福克学院注册成为工商管理专业的学生, is hired a year later as manager of the school snack bar, an establishment that would soon bear his name. A popular figure on campus, 1936年行政大楼开放后,矮小的巴德成为该部门唯一的居民, occupying a small room in the facility. 芽的商场, the school's first student hangout, 1945年从拉奇蒙特学校大楼搬到行政大楼.

奥黛丽T. “芽”保罗奥黛丽T. “巴德”保罗,诺福克分部学生小吃店巴德商场的经理. 1940s. (Click on image to view full photo)
Little 芽的商场学生 at Little 芽的商场. 1940. (Click on image to view full photo)
巴德的学生学生 in the 1950s playing cards in 芽的商场. (Click on image to view full photo)


老自治领提出了它的第一个杰出校友奖,福雷斯特D. Murden小. '40 in 1962. Since then, more than 150 alumni are accorded the honor. Among them are Mills E. 古德温小. '32, George Dragas '57, Alf J. 宾州小. 1961年,罗伯特. Stanton '61, Meyera Oberndorf '64, Col. Mary Maniscalco-Theberge '78, Adm. 威廉J. 法伦(M.A. '82), Anne Donovan '83, Mark West '83, Peter Yngwe '83 (M.B.A. 1984年),乔安娜·刘(M.S. '85), Jay Harris '87, 迈克尔·布卢姆菲尔德 (M.E.M. '93), Nancy Lieberman-Cline '00, Elizabeth A. 杜克(M.B.A. 83年),91年的沙米娜·辛格,72年的大卫·特瓦兹克,75年的托马斯·迪西洛,小威尔·詹姆斯. '78 and Andrew Ungvarsky '02.

杰出校友, 1999詹姆斯五世总统. 科赫公司(最上面一行), (右)在1999年建校日庆祝活动中与bet8体育娱乐入口“杰出校友”合影留念:Prabhav V. Joseph B . maniar. 彼得·L·维斯塔. Yngwe, Pamela Hamilton Neferkara, C. 小爱德华·乔丹. (Click on image to view full photo)


校园里最早的两个联谊会——都是姐妹会——于2月11日与Alpha Xi Delta和Chi Omega建立了全国联盟. 28, 1964. 实际上, 希腊兄弟会和姐妹会的前身始于20世纪30年代,当时成立了社交俱乐部:女性的Tri-K和Cotillion俱乐部,男性的Imps和Tigas俱乐部. 如今,这所大学有11个社会姐妹会和21个社会兄弟会.

Alpha Xi Delta sisters, 1960s几个阿尔法·希·德尔塔姐妹穿着领口上有姐妹会标志的衬衫走出教室. 1960s. (Click on image to view full photo)
索尼DSC                       Fraternity and Sorority Members, 2010s.

First Resident 学生

1964年9月, students move into Old Dominion's first dormitory, 罗杰斯大厅, which houses 304 residents. It is named for Crawford S. Rogers, a former president of Norfolk Shipbuilding and Drydock Corp. and a member of Lewis Webb's advisory board. 格雷沙姆大厅很快就开始建设,以诺福克承包商E.T. Gresham, another member of the advisory board. Today, as many as 4,817 students can be housed on campus.

罗杰斯大厅 宿舍, 1960s学生 looking at magazines in a 罗杰斯大厅 dorm room. 1960s. (Click on image to view full photo)

Beginnings of Governmental Advocacy

1970年春季学期,教务委员会成立了拯救大学委员会, 在政府. 米尔斯·戈德温提议的拨款比要求的2300万美元少了800万美元. 学生 join the protest, 甚至将返校节的主题从“爱的时刻”改为“公平占有的时刻”." Under the guidance of Professor Robert Stern, 23 students trek to Richmond to talk with legislators. The "保存ODU" campaign is successful in gaining an additional $1.600万年.

保存ODU在拯救ODU运动期间,学生们在汉普顿大道热情地为拨款游行. 1970. (Click on image to view full photo)

First 本科 Appointed to Board of 访问ors

Student body president Bruce Bishop is appointed by Gov. Linwood Holton to the university's Board of 访问ors in September 1972, 这使他成为第一位进入弗吉尼亚学院或大学参观委员会的本科生. 毕晓普是一名政治学专业的大四学生,一直是学生代表的倡导者.

布鲁斯·毕晓普,20世纪70年代Bruce Bishop, first undergraduate appointed to Board of 访问ors. 1970s. (Click on image to view full photo)

Bruce Bishop was interviewed on February 26, 1999 by Julie Hale. Click here to read the transcript.

"Teach Your Children"

Five years after Woodstock, 估计有35人,1974年8月,在一个炎热的日子里,为了一场克罗斯比的音乐会,000名乐迷挤满了福尔曼球场, 剧照, 纳什与杨. 尽管投票率很高, 再过24年,福尔曼球场才会举办另一场大型音乐会,再过35年,ODU帝王橄榄球队才会重返橄榄球赛场.

Crosby, 剧照, 纳什与杨 Concert, 1974在福尔曼球场举行的克罗斯比、斯蒂尔斯、纳什和杨音乐会的观众. 1974. (Click on image to view full photo)


Civil and environmental engineering major 萨曼莎鼠尾草, a field hockey All-American, becomes the university's first Rhodes scholar on Dec. 10, 1995. 美国只有32个国家.S. students who receive the award that year, Salvia获得了在英国牛津大学学习两年的全额奖学金.

萨曼莎鼠尾草萨曼莎鼠尾草, Old Dominion University's first Rhodes Scholar. 1990s. (Click on image to view full photo)


迈克尔·布卢姆菲尔德, 1993年毕业于bet8体育娱乐入口工程管理硕士学位, participates in his first space shuttle mission in 1997, 与和平号空间站会合,让一名宇航员下车,接另一名宇航员返回地球. Since then, he has gone on two other NASA shuttles.

迈克尔·布卢姆菲尔德迈克尔·布卢姆菲尔德 (second from right) and fellow astronauts. Click to read article in ODU Magazine, Summer 2001.

学生 Named to USA Today College Academic Team

Kristine冈萨雷斯, a senior biological sciences major, 1999年2月成为第一位入选《bet8体育娱乐入口》全美大学学术团队的老道明学生. 此后不久, two other students are selected for the team: Rosemarie刘, 医学预科生, in 2002; and Linda Wolfe, an interdisciplinary studies major, in 2003.

Rosemarie刘Rosemarie刘 becomes university’s second USA Today Scholar, 2002. Click to read article in ODU Magazine, Spring 2002.


在五月六日下午举行的第104届毕业典礼上, 2006, the university awards a diploma to its 100,000毕业, 杰奎琳Honaker. The recipient of a bachelor's degree in nuclear medicine technology, Honaker is congratulated on stage by W. 小弗兰克·莱瑟姆., 1956年毕业于老道明学院,是该校首批获得学士学位的15名学生之一. 诺福克的作家迈克尔·多索(Michael D’orso)将在下午的仪式上发表演讲. CNN的沃尔夫·布利策在早上的毕业典礼上发表演讲.

A Memorial Commencement104th Commencement, May 6, 2006. Click to read Courier article, May 12, 2006: A memorable commencement.

A Focus on Student Success

2010年,布罗德里克校长委托顾问提供了一份行政办公室重组计划,该计划将导致以学生成功为重点的基础设施. 他的愿景在新部门“学生参与”的成立中得以实现 & 注册服务, 其使命是成为以学生为中心的教育合作伙伴,通过创新的签名体验,无缝连接招聘,影响学习环境, 订婚, 主动学习, 学生的成功.

Student Success Center学生 in the Student Success Center, 2011.


十月星期五. 2013年4月4日,一尊7英尺高的蓝色巨人青铜像在韦伯中心揭幕. The idea for the statue, the work of Virginia Beach sculptor Richard Stravitz, 是ODU学生政府协会(SGA)的成员在另一所大学看到类似的雕像后构思出来的. SGA的领导们希望开创一个新的传统来配合雕像. As students start their career at ODU, 每位学生都将与“蓝色巨人”合影留念,以纪念他们的“君主”之旅的开始. Throughout their journey, ODU的学生们被鼓励重新参观雕像,并揉蓝的肚子,以带来财富, good luck and prosperity. 四年后, 作为毕业庆祝活动的一部分,学生们将再次与蓝色巨人合影.

Big Blue ImmortalizedClick the image to read "Big Blue Immortalized in Bronze; Statue to Play Role in New ODU Tradition" from Inside ODU October 7, 2013.

大部分照片来自大学图书馆的特别收藏和大学档案. 看到 资源.


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