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项目 & 倡议



科学老师: 我们的科学教师专业发展项目之一是 镜头 项目. 镜头 (学习 Enhanced through the Nature of Science) is an inter-disciplinary professional development program designed to develop science content 知识, 教学技能, 评估知识, and peer coaching capacity among Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) high school teachers of Earth Science, 生物学, 化学与物理. 该项目是由bet8体育娱乐入口(ODU), 潮水Community学院(TCC), 威廉与玛丽学院&M)和VBCPS.

教师RESEARCH经验(RET)该项目是与巴顿工程学院的教师合作完成的 & 技术 at ODU to train STEM teachers in alternative energy research through hands-on laboratory and computational experiences, 使用参数驱动的查询(ADI)方法. 在这个项目中,TCEP承担了课程开发和评估的双重角色.

投资创新(I3): 这个项目 focuses on providing students in high-need middle schools with increased access to rigorous and engaging coursework in science, 技术, 工程与数学(STEM). 该项目还将重点放在教师身上,通过整合创新, 高质量的, 采用以学校为基础的数学辅导的多层次专业发展方法, 一个促进Community意识的在线平台, 老师们制作了他们自己练习的视频.




TCEP教师寻求促进积极的学术, 社会, and personal outcomes of all students through various 项目s focusing on college and career readiness, 高中辍学预防和恢复, 职业技术教育, 以及社会情感健康. 与达顿教育学院的教员合作 & Professional Studies at Old Dominion as well as external contributors from the National Dropout Prevention Center, 成功实践网络, 克莱姆森大学, and 美国niversity of Memphis focus on equitable access to quality education through the shared goal of ensuring that all students graduate on time with the skills and dispositions necessary to successfully enter the workforce or pursue higher education.


与军方有联系的学生的教学、评估和宣传(团队) is an interdisciplinary initiative to ensure that practicing educators and those new to the profession have the awareness, 知识, 而基于证据的能力需要最大限度地提高军人家庭学生的学习能力. 通过增加和促进其他机构和项目的任务, we ensure every military child is educated in military conscious schools by individuals who are well prepared to effectively respond to the unique learning and 社会-emotional needs of military-connected children. 团队计划为教师提供在职教育和支持, 管理员, School counselors and 支持 personnel as well as evaluation for programs and services currently in use.



巴里-艺术博物馆-公众-开- 86 - 2



改变你的游戏:Cambia TU Juego: (Current) 改变你的游戏:Cambia TU Juego involves the development of a museum exhibition that uses sports and invention to leverage visitors' inventive identities. 这个项目, which is directed by the Lemelson Center at the National Museum of American 历史 in Washington DC, 由美国国家科学基金会推进非正式STEM学习(AISL). TCEP执行董事. 乔安娜·加纳(Joanna Garner)是项目团队和展览顾问委员会的成员. 她的RESEARCH,与博士合作. 天普大学的阿维·卡普兰说, is focusing on strategies for encouraging diverse visitors to explore invention and innovation in their own lives.

发明教育(当前)发明教育弥补了STEM教育和创业之间的差距. 它教给学生一些特殊的技能,比如发现问题, 意念, 测试, 原型设计, 推销产品. TCEP执行董事. Joanna Garner and Education Specialist Melissa Kuhn are working on several invention education research 项目s. In partnership with Camp Invention® they are investigating ways that invention education settings can support children's STEM identity development and increase participation by historically underrepresented groups of students. 这项工作得到了国家发明家名人堂的资助, Lemelson基金会, 伯顿D. 摩根基金会和Overdeck家族基金会.

同一个Community,同一个挑战(过去)本项目涉及STEAM(科学)的创建, 技术, 艺术, 工程, and mathematics) challenges that are delivered in the community in the form of "pop up" facilitated events. 同一个Community,同一个挑战 是受到Community图书挑战将人们聚集在一起的方式的启发吗, 以及对制造和修补的兴趣的增加,这支持了人们的创造力和独创性. TCEP执行董事. 乔安娜·加纳(Joanna Garner)是该项目领导团队的一员, which is funded by the National Science Foundation Advancing Informal STEM 学习 (AISL) and co-directed by Dr. Sheri Vasinda博士. 斯蒂芬妮·哈斯科克博士. 俄克拉荷马州立大学的Rebecca Brienen说.

巴里艺术博物馆的RESEARCH实践者伙伴关系(过去)在2018年开业之前, 教育合作中心 worked closely with the 巴里艺术博物馆 to design an interactive space in its Education Gallery called the 参观者反思工作室. 的空间, which offered visitors of all ages the opportunity to draw or write a response to the museum's collection, 包括定制的抽象艺术作品和相邻的墙上,可以显示回应. When this exhibit was replaced by a lifetime retrospective show by the New York based abstract artist Joan Thorne in early 2020, TCEP faculty participated in the creation of media products that provided the community with insights into the artist's life and work.


In 2019, 国家辍学预防中心启动了创伤技能学校模式, 帮助教育者将压力和创伤对学习的影响降到最低, 社会发展, 通过调整气候来改变行为, 文化, 并在学校的各个领域进行实践. TCEP教授. Shanan Chappell Moots is a Certified Trauma Skilled Schools Specialist and works with the NDPC and schools across the nation counteract the impact of traumatic experiences and conditions in children by shifting 知识 and awareness of and sensitivity to trauma and its impacts into actionable steps to support coping and resilience.




TCEP faculty have substantial experience conducting program evaluations for educational initiatives in PK12 and higher education. 评估活动包括形成性和总结性的项目评估和审查, 由国家科学基金会等机构资助的项目, 海军RESEARCH办公室, 美国.S. 教育部, 弗吉尼亚教育部, 以及国防教育活动部门, 等. Project partners include numerous local and regional school divisions and institutions of higher education such as Penn State University, 克莱姆森大学, 西华盛顿大学, 和约翰霍普金斯大学. 项目评估的重点是STEM教育计划, 辍学恢复和预防, 初中和高中数学课程, 社会情绪健康项目, 初级读写能力发展.


教育合作中心 (TCEP) provides organizational consulting to a variety of local, 状态, and national organizations as leaders manage new opportunities and seek to understand and effect system-wide change. 其教职员工拥有数十年的从业经验, RESEARCH人员, and leaders to identify and support actions that build capacity and improve organizational effectiveness. TCEP可以加入战略规划, 格兰特写作, or 项目 management teams to facilitate the development of logic models and theories of action and change; apply conceptual frameworks to promote a shared understanding of organizational phenomena; conduct needs assessments; use formative and summative evaluation techniques to optimize program implementation; conduct small- and large-scale training; and disseminate findings to intended audiences.

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