
At bet8体育娱乐入口, 人力资源团队 provide the support you need to work, 管理, 成长, 并在ODU开发. While we work across teams to provide the best experience possible for ODU faculty and employees, each team is responsible for handling specific types of 服务.

Our functional areas include 好处, 补偿, 员工关系, 培训, 组织发展, 交易, Records Management and 人力资源 Information Systems. Some of your Human Resource needs such as faculty 招聘 and 员工关系 for teaching and research faculty are addressed by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Institutional Equity and 多样性.

Meet Your VP for 人力资源

9月tember Sanderlin holds more than 30+ years of human resources experience, and has been a Monarch at ODU since 1997. As Vice President for 人力资源, 多样性, 公平与包容, she oversees organization development, 培训, 员工关系, compensation and classification, 好处, 劳动力计划, 合规, 信息系统, 招聘, 人员配备, transactions and record-keeping, and she also oversees the 办公室 of Institutional Equity & 多样性.

我有人力资源方面的问题... 我该问谁?