

415年海洋 & 物理建筑物
NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in 海洋学, University of 夏威夷 at Manoa, (1991)

B.S. in Chemistry (High 荣誉), University of 夏威夷 at Manoa, (1983)

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

res J. 塞德威克,P. “合作研究:低温热液喷口是稳定溶解铁进入海洋的重要但被忽视的来源吗??" $242,855. 联邦. 2018 - 2021
Sedwick P.施密特,M.Chappell, P. Dreux. 卡特,G。. A. “主要研究仪器:用于多学科地球科学研究和教育的高分辨率等离子体源质谱仪和样品导入系统的获得”,644美元,466. 联邦. 2016 - 2019
Sedwick P. “对流过程和海冰形成对罗斯海铁分布的影响:关闭季节周期”$394,174. 联邦. 2015 - 2018
res J. 塞德威克,P. “合作研究:美国GEOTRACES太平洋分部-船上的Al, Mn和Fe”$172,982. September 1, 2012 - August 31, 2017
纳贾尔,R.穆赫兰,M. R. 塞德威克,P. “合作研究:大气氮沉积对低营养沿海水域生物地球化学的影响”$432,513. March 15, 2013 - February 28, 2017
Sedwick P.迪尼曼,M.克林克. 霍夫曼,E. “罗斯海中尺度过程对铁供应和浮游植物动态的影响”,$704,035. July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014
Sedwick P. 卡特,G。. A. “一种量化煤燃烧产物向自然水体释放生物活性微量元素的新方法”,298美元,924. May 1, 2010 - April 30, 2013
Sedwick P. "US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section: Dissolved Iron and Iron(II)" $350,000. March 1, 2010 - February 28, 2013
Sedwick P. “合作研究:量化铁和光对罗斯海硅藻生长的影响。, 南极洲”280美元,429. June 1, 2008 - May 31, 2012
阿瑟,年代.塞德威克,P. 纳普,A. "Solubility of Aerosol Iron in Open-ocean Seawater. 2009 - 2011
彼得斯,一个.塞德威克,P. 纳普,A. “百慕大都铎山社区海洋大气采样设施的运行”$225,694. September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2011
Sedwick P. 约翰逊,R。. 合作研究:大气沉积对上层海洋中微量元素分布和形态的影响——以马尾藻海中的铁为重点,$427,354. February 1, 2006 - January 31, 2010
Sedwick P. 基恩,W. “合作研究:百慕大西北北大西洋气溶胶的加工和辐射特性”,$237,930. April 1, 2006 - June 30, 2009
Sedwick P. 迪图里奥,G. "Collaborative 研究: Interactive Effects of Iron, Light and CO2 on Phytoplankton 社区 Dynamics in the Ross Sea" $377,179. February 1, 2005 - January 31, 2009
Sedwick P. "百慕大都铎山海洋大气采样设施的运作" $129,249. September 1, 2005 - August 31, 2008
DiTullio G. 塞德威克,P. “合作研究:铁和光对罗斯海南极褐囊藻分离物的影响”140美元,054. July 01, 2003 - December 31, 2006
Domack E. 塞德威克,P. “合作研究:限制南极大陆架全新世沉积物记录的时间分辨率和地质年代学”,第93期,341. May 15, 2003 - December 31, 2005
Sedwick P. 约翰逊,K。. “合作研究:铁的采样和分析,国际合作”26,686美元. October 1, 2003 - September 30, 2005
Sedwick P. 纳普,A. “百慕大都铎山海洋大气采样设施的升级和运行”$181,903. September 1, 2002 - August 31, 2005
Sedwick P. 大气铁输入到马尾藻海:时间变率和对上层海洋铁分布的影响,第288期,552. October 1, 2002 - September 30, 2003
打碎,. 塞德威克,P. "Bermuda Contribution to a North Atlantic Aerobiology Study" $30,147. October 1, 2002 - September 30, 2003
Sedwick P. "Trace Metals in Recent Antarctic Snow, logistics support for laboratory phase of project and field sampling. 1996 - 1998


chemical, biogeochemical, marine geochemistry, trace elements, 南极洲

研究 Interests

Chemical 海洋学, Marine 生物地球化学, Antarctic Science


啤酒,R. 塞德威克,P. (2018). The GEOTRACES intermediate data product 2017. Chemical 地质的ogy 493 , pp. 10-223.
Sedwick P.伯恩哈特,P. W.穆赫兰,M. R.纳贾尔,R. G.布鲁门,L. M.解析:选B. M.C .苏克迪奥. 和Widner, B. (2018). 评估浮游植物的营养状况和湿沉积对中大西洋浅海季节性寡营养水域的潜在影响. Geophysical 研究 信 45 (7) , pp. 3203-3211.
Marsay C. M.巴雷特,P. M., McGillicuddy, Jr., D. J. 塞德威克,P. (2017). 分布, 来源, 以及夏季罗斯海大陆架上溶解铁和颗粒铁的转变 . Journal of Geophysical 研究: Oceans 122 (8) , pp. 6371-6393.
巴克,K. N.塞德威克,P.解析:选B. 卡尔森,C. A. (2017). 热带南太平洋东部铁的有机络合:来自美国GEOTRACES东太平洋纬向样带(GEOTRACES Cruise GP16)的结果. 海洋化学 201 , pp. 229-241.
Boiteau R. M.D .门德. R.纽约州霍科市. J.McIlvin, M. R.菲茨西蒙斯,J. N.齐藤,M. A.塞德威克,P.德隆,E. F. 雷佩塔,D. J. (2016). 东太平洋以铁载体为基础的微生物对铁缺乏的适应. PNAS 113 (50) , pp. 14237-14242.
Sedwick P.解析:选B. M.阿瑟,S. J. 鲍威,A. R. (2015). 溶解铁(ⅱ)水柱分布的分区图.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect cruise (GEOTRACES GA03). Deep Sea 研究 II 116 , pp. 166-175.
McGillicuddy, Jr, D. J.塞德威克,P.迪尼曼,M. S.艾瑞戈,K. R.毕比,T. S.格林南,B. W.霍夫曼,E.克林克.小史密斯,W. O.麦克,S. L.Marsay C. M.解析:选B. M. and van Dijken, G. L. (2015). Iron supply and demand in an Antarctic shelf ecosystem. Geophysical 研究 信 42 (19) , pp. 8088-8097.
res J.塞德威克,P.,德语,C.詹金斯.莫菲特,J.解析:选B. 塔利亚布,A. (2015). 热液溶解金属横跨南太平洋的盆地尺度运输. 自然 523 (7559) , pp. 200-203.
雪莱,R. U.塞德威克,P. 等等. (2012). 马尾藻海表层水中溶解钴的控制:与铁和铝的比较. 全球 Biogeochemical Cycles .
Sedwick P.Marsay C. M.解析:选B. M., Aguilar-Islas, A. M.罗翰,M. C., Long, M. C.艾瑞戈,K. R.邓巴. B.齐藤,M. A.小史密斯,W. O. 迪图里奥,G. R. (2011). 罗斯海多冰区溶解铁的季前耗竭:对南极大陆架铁动力学的影响. Journal of Geophysical 研究 - Oceans.
伯特兰,E. M.齐藤,M. A.李,P. A.邓巴. B.塞德威克,P. 迪图里奥,G. R. (2011). Iron limitation of springtime bacterial and phytoplankton communities in the Ross Sea; interactive effects of 铁 and vitamin B12 nutrition. Frontiers in Aquatic Microbiology.
斋藤,M. A.Goepfert, T. J., Noble, A. E.伯特兰,E. M.塞德威克,P. 迪图里奥,G. R. (2010). A seasonal study of dissolved cobalt in the Ross Sea, 南极洲: micronutrient behavior, absence of scavenging, and relationships with Zn, Cd, 和P. Biogeosciences 7 , pp. 4059-4082.
雪莱,R. U.扎库伯,B.塞德威克,P.沃斯福德,P. J. 罗翰,M. C. (2010). 流动注射化学发光法测定紫外线照射海水中总溶解钴. Limnol. Oceanogr.:方法 8 , pp. 352-362.
Sholkovitz E. R.塞德威克,P. 丘奇,T。. M. (2010). 铜在海洋气溶胶中的溶解度:风积铜的毒性. Geophysical 研究 信 37 , pp. L20601.
缠绕,B. S., Nuñez-Milland, D.沃格特,S.约翰逊,R。. S. 塞德威克,P. (2010). Variations in Synechococcus cell quotas of phosphorus, 硫, 锰, 铁, 镍, and zinc within mesoscale eddies in the Sargasso Sea. Limnology and 海洋学 55 , pp. 492-506.
陈,C.塞德威克,P. 夏尔马,M. (2009). 雨和雪中的人为锇揭示了全球尺度的大气污染. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 , pp. 7724-7728.
Sholkovitz E. R.塞德威克,P. 丘奇,T。. M. (2009). 人为燃烧排放对可溶性气溶胶铁向海洋沉积的影响:北大西洋岛屿场址的经验估计. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 , pp. 3981-4003.
加西亚,N. S.塞德威克,P. 迪图里奥,G. R. (2009). 辐照度和铁对殖民地南极褐囊藻生长的影响:对罗斯海季节性水华动态的影响, 南极洲. Aquatic Microbial Ecology (203-220).
Tortell P. D.佩恩,C. D.李,Y.Trimborn, S.B.史密斯,W. O.里斯曼,C.邓巴. B.塞德威克,P. 迪图里奥,G. R. (2008). CO2 sensitivity of Southern Ocean phytoplankton. Geophysical 研究 信 35 , pp. L04605.
Sedwick P.鲍威,A. R. 特鲁尔,T. W. (2008). 南大洋澳大利亚海域的溶解铁(CLIVAR-SR3剖面):经向和季节趋势. 深海研究 I 55 , pp. 911-925.
马克穆特G. M.塔平,D. R.塞德威克,P.威尔金森,我.菲茨克,J. B .塞尔伍德. (2008). Reply to “Mega-highstand or megatsunami? Discussion of McMurtry et al. “Elevated marine deposits in Bermuda record a late Quaternary megatsunami”: Sed. 地质的., 200 (2007) 155-165” by Paul J. Hearty and Storrs L. 奥尔森. Sedimentary 地质的ogy 203 , pp. 313-319.
约翰逊,K. S.博伊尔,E.布鲁兰,K.,科尔,K.、措施、C.莫菲特,J., Aguilar-Islas, A.Barbeau, K.伯奎斯特,B.鲍威,A.巴克,K.蔡,Y.蔡斯,Z.卡伦,J., Doi, T.埃尔罗德,V.菲茨沃特,南卡罗来纳州.戈登,M。.国王,A., Laan, P., Laglera-Baquer, L.,登陆,W.罗翰,M.门德斯,J.米尔恩,A.奥巴塔,H.奥西恩德,L.植物,植物.,萨鲁,G.塞德威克,P.史密斯,G.Sohst, D.S .坦纳., Van den Berg, S. 吴,J. (2007). Developing standards for dissolved 铁 in seawater. Eos 88 , pp. 131-132.
兔子,C. E.迪图里奥,G. R.瑞斯曼,S. F.A .克罗斯利. C.波尔斯,L. C.塞德威克,P. 哈钦斯,D. A. (2007). 改变连续铁输入率对南大洋藻类组合的影响. Deep Sea 研究 Part I 54 , pp. 732-746.
DiTullio G. R.加利福尼亚州加西亚市. S.瑞斯曼,S. F. 塞德威克,P. (2007). 低辐照度下铁浓度对罗斯海南极褐囊藻色素组成的影响. 生物地球化学.
马克穆特G. M.塔平,D. R.塞德威克,P.威尔金森,我.菲茨克,J. B .塞尔伍德. (2007). Elevated marine deposits in Bermuda record a late Quaternary megatsunami. Sedimentary 地质的ogy.
Sedwick P.加利福尼亚州加西亚市.瑞斯曼,S. F.Marsay C. M. 迪图里奥,G. R. (2007). High 铁 requirements of colonial Phaeocystis antarctica under low irradiance. 生物地球化学.
Sedwick P.肖尔科维茨,E. R. 丘奇,T。. M. (2007). 人为燃烧排放对气溶胶铁溶解度的影响:来自马尾藻海的证据. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 8 , pp. Q10Q06.
爱德华兹,R.塞德威克,P.V .摩根. 波顿,C. (2006). 劳多姆冰芯中的铁:全新世和末次盛冰期海洋东南极洲大气铁沉积的记录. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7.
Sholkovitz E. R. 塞德威克,P. (2006). 在百慕大试验台系泊上部署浮标式气溶胶采样器:马尾藻海上空的气溶胶铁和海盐. Deep Sea 研究 Part I 53 , pp. 547-560.
Sedwick P.教堂,T. M.鲍威,A. R.Marsay C. M.阿瑟,S. J.阿基里斯,K. M.P .致命. J.约翰逊,R。. J.沙林,M. M. and McGillicuddy, D. J. (2005). 夏季马尾藻海(百慕大大西洋时间序列研究区)中的铁:风成印记, spatiotemporal variability, and ecological implications. 全球 Biogeochemical Cycles 19.
鲍伊,. R.塞德威克,P. P .沃斯福尔德. J. (2004). 流动注射化学发光法与流动注射分光光度法测定海水中铁的分析比较. Limnol. Oceanogr.:方法 2 , pp. 42-54.
痘痘,年代.塞德威克,P.格里菲思,F. B.,曲文杰,B., Bucciarelli, E.菲亚拉,M.彭达文,P. 和P . trassguer. (2002). Quantification of algal 铁 requirements in the Subantarctic Southern Ocean. 深海Res. II 49 , pp. 3255-3273.
鲍伊,. R.艾彻伯格,E. P.塞德威克,P.阿瑟,S. P .沃斯福尔德. J. (2002). 用自动流动注射-化学发光仪器实时监测海水中铁(II)的皮摩尔浓度. Env铁mental Science and 技术 36 , pp. 4600-4607.
Sedwick P.布莱恩,美国.,曲文杰,B.格里菲思,F. B.菲亚拉,M., Bucciarelli, E. 丹尼斯先生. (2002). 南大洋亚南极Crozet海盆浮游植物生长的资源限制. 深海Res. II 49 , pp. 3327-3349.
哈钦斯D. A.塞德威克,P.迪图里奥,G. R.博伊德,P. W.,曲文杰,B.格里菲思,F. B. A .克罗斯利. C. (2001). 亚南极南大洋铁和硅酸有效性对浮游植物生长的控制:来自SAZ项目的实验结果. Journal of Geophysical 研究 106 (31) , pp. 559-573.
博伊德,P. W.A .克罗斯利. C.迪图里奥,G. R.格里菲思,F. B.哈钦斯,D. A.奎纳,B.塞德威克,P. 特鲁尔,T. W. (2001). 南大洋铁供应和辐射对浮游植物生长的控制:来自SAZ项目的实验结果. Journal of Geophysical 研究 106 (31) , pp. 573-585.
DiTullio G. R.塞德威克,P.琼斯,D。. R.博伊德,P.A .克罗斯利. C. 哈钦斯,D. A. (2001). 铁的作用, 澳大利亚亚南极区二甲基磺丙酸盐生产的硅酸盐和光. Journal of Geophysical 研究 106 (31) , pp. 585-597.
Sedwick P.哈里斯,P. T.罗伯逊,L. G.麦克默特里,G. M.克里默,M. D. 罗宾逊,P。. (2001). Holocene sediment records from the continental shelf of Mac. Robertson Land, East 南极洲. Paleoceanography 16 , pp. 212-226.
娼妓,T. W.塞德威克,P.格里菲思,F. B. 和南卡罗莱纳州的林图尔. R. (2001). Introduction to special section: SAZ Project. Journal of Geophysical 研究 106 (31) , pp. 425-431.
爱德华兹,R. 塞德威克,P. (2001). 南极东部雪中的铁:对南极水域大气铁沉积和藻类生产的影响. Geophysical 研究 信 28 , pp. 3907-3910.
Sedwick P.迪图里奥,G. R. 麦基,D. J. (2000). 南极罗斯海中的铁和锰:南极陆架水域的季节性铁限制. Journal of Geophysical 研究 105 (C5), pp. 11,321-11,336.
Sedwick P.迪图里奥,G. R.哈钦斯,D. A.博伊德,P. W.格里菲思,F. B.A .克罗斯利. C.特鲁,T. W. (a). (1999). 澳大利亚亚南极地区缺铁对藻类生长的限制. Geophysical 研究 信 26 , pp. 2865-2868.
Sedwick P.哈里斯,P. T.罗伯逊,L. G.麦柯里,G. M.克里默,M. D. 罗宾逊,P。. (1998). A geochemical study of marine sediments from the Mac. 东南极洲罗伯逊陆架:初步结果和古环境影响. Annals of Glaciology 27 , pp. 268-274.
爱德华兹,P. R.塞德威克,P.V .摩根. I.波顿,C. F. 及洪,S. (1998). 南极东部洛多姆冰芯中的铁:对过去气溶胶铁沉积的影响. Annals of Glaceology 27 , pp. 365-370.
Rosman K. J.R.W . Chisolm.波顿,C. F., Hong, S.爱德华兹,R.V .摩根. I. 塞德威克,P. (1998). 南极劳多姆雪芯和冰芯中的铅同位素和选定金属. Annals of Glaciology 27 , pp. 349-354.
Sedwick P.爱德华兹,P. R.麦基,D. J.格里菲思,F. B. 欧司罗,J. S. (1997). Iron and 锰 in surface waters of the Australian subantarctic region. Deep Sea 研究 I 44 , pp. 1239-1253.
Sedwick P. 迪图里奥,G. R. (1997). 通过融化的海冰释放铁来调节南极陆架水域的藻华. Geophysical 研究 信 24 , pp. 2515-2518.
Sedwick P. 和st本,D. (1996). 弧火山环境下浅层海底温泉的化学性质:火山岛, Aeolian Archipelago, 意大利. 海洋化学 53 , pp. 147-161.
Stuben D.塞德威克,P. 和Colantoni, P. (1996). Geochemistry of submarine warm springs in the limestone cavern of Grotta Azzurra, 分支头目Palinuro, 意大利: Evidence for mixing-zone dolomitisation. Chemical 地质的ogy 131 , pp. 113-125.
哈里斯,P. T.奥布莱恩,P. E.塞德威克,P. 特拉斯韦尔,e. M. (1996). Late Quaternary history of sedimentation on the Mac. 东南极洲罗伯逊陆架:海洋沉积物岩心的14c测年问题. 论文 & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 130 , pp. 47-53.
Sedwick P.麦克默特里,G. M.D .希尔顿. R. 高夫,F. (1994). Carbon dioxide and helium in hydrothermal fluids from Loihi Seamount, 夏威夷, USA: Temporal variability and implications for the release of mantle volatiles. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58 , pp. 1219-1227.
马克穆特G. M.塞德威克,P.弗莱尔,P.冯得哈尔,D. L. 是的,H. W. (1993). 海底弧火山上热液喷口的不寻常地球化学:Kasuga海山, northern Mariana Arc. Earth Planet Sci. 信 114 , pp. 517-528.
Sedwick P.麦克默特里,G. M. and Macdougall, J. D. (1992). Chemistry of hydrothermal solutions from Pele's Vents, Loihi Seamount, 夏威夷. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56 , pp. 3643-3667.
Sedwick P.麦柯里,G. M. 特里布尔,G. W. (1991). Chemical alteration of seawater by lava from Kilauea Volcano, 夏威夷. 海洋地质 96 , pp. 151-158.
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Sedwick P.加莫,T. 麦格西,G. M. (1990). Manganese and methane anomalies in the North Fiji Basin. Deep Sea 研究 5 , pp. 891-896.
希恩,D. W.塞德威克,P. Zeitlin, H. (1984). 深海锰铁结核高温硫化的控制因素. 海洋采矿 1 , pp. 33-55.
希恩,D. W.塞德威克,P. Zeitlin, H. (1984). The hydrometallurgical behavior of sulfated ferro锰 nodules. 海洋采矿 1 , pp. 57-73.
Sedwick P.希恩,D. W. Zeitlin, H. (1984). 以水杨醛肟和二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠为有机沉淀剂,采用吸附泡法分离处理过的深海锰铁结核中的金属. Separation Science & 技术 2&3 (183-190).


Sedwick P. ( 2018). 罗斯海融冰冬季对流过程的观测:对溶解铁垂直补给的影响. Oral Presentation 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 2016). Assessing the roles of 铁, 巨量营养素和湿沉积在控制中大西洋浅海季节性寡营养水域浮游植物生长中的作用. Oral Presentation 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 2015). Biological impact of wet deposition to seasonally oligotrophic waters off the U.S. 东部沿海地区. Oral Presentation 2015 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 2015). 湿沉积对季节性贫营养水域的生物影响:美国的实验结果.S. 东部沿海地区. Poster 2015 OCB Summer Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 2014). 横跨南太平洋东部的热液铁、锰和铝的盆地尺度运输. Oral Presentation Fall AGU Meeting San Francisco, CA.
Sedwick P. ( 2014). 海冰衍生铁对罗斯海冰湖初级生产的重要性:PRISM项目的结果. 口头报告国际冰川学学会海冰研讨会,澳大利亚霍巴特.
Sedwick P. ( 2014). Dissolved 铁(II) along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section. Poster Ocean Sciences Meeting Honolulu, HI.
( 2013). 罗斯海大陆架铁源评估:PRISM项目的初步结果. Oral Presentation Aquatic Sciences Meeting .
(November , 2012). Human impact on the atmospheric input of 铁 to the surface ocean. Fort Johnson Marine Science Seminar Series .
(October , 2012). 人类对海洋表层生物活性微量金属大气输入的影响. Symposium on Iron in the Oceans .
(September , 2012). 人类对海洋表层生物活性微量金属大气输入的影响. Institute of Marine and Coastal Science Fall Seminar Series .
Sedwick P. ( 2011). 海洋表面生物活性微量金属的大气输入:人类排放和湿沉积重要性的证据. Oral Presentation ASLO 2011 Aquatic Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 2010). Dissolved 铁: a biogeochemical wild card in the Antarctic marine system. Oral Presentation 2010 SCAR Open Science Conference .
Sedwick P. ( 2008). Early and pervasive 铁 limitation in the Ross Sea polynya. Oral Presentation 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 2008). Dynamics and speciation of dissolved 铁 in the Sargasso Sea (BATS Region). Oral Presentation AGU 2008 Fall Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 2006). 气溶胶铁在海洋表面的溶解度:基于马尾藻海野外观测的新范式. Oral Presentation 2006 Ocean Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 2005). Iron in the Sargasso Sea during summer: aeolian imprint, spatiotemporal variability, and ecological implications. Oral Presentation ASLO 2005 Aquatic Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 2005). Seasonal-scale variability of 铁 in the Sargasso Sea. Oral Presentation TOS-UNESCO/IOC 2005 Ocean 研究 Conference .
Sedwick P. ( 2004). 土壤尘埃中微生物和铁的陆海运输:空气传播真菌铁载体假说. Oral Presentation ASLO/TOS 2004 Ocean 研究 Conference .
Sedwick P. ( 2004). 土壤尘埃中微生物和铁的陆海运输:空气传播真菌铁载体假说. Oral Presentation ASLO/TOS 2004 Ocean 研究 Conference .
Sedwick P. ( 2002). 亚南极水域的铁分布和浮游植物生长:南大洋澳大利亚和印度部分结果的综合. Oral Presentation 2002 Ocean Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 2002). 春季南大洋澳大利亚部分的溶解铁:对南极地表水铁的季节性循环的影响. Poster AGU 2002 Fall Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 2000). 南大洋亚南极区浮游植物生长的铁和硅酸盐限制. Oral Presentation Southern Ocean JGOFS Symposium .
Sedwick P. ( 1999). Holocene sediment record from the continental shelf of Mac. Robertson Land, East 南极洲. Oral Presentation 1999 Fourth Australian Marine Geoscience Conference .
Sedwick P. ( 1999). 南大洋融化的海冰释放出的铁和冰边的藻类大量繁殖. Oral Presentation 30th 国际 Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics .
Sedwick P. ( 1997). A paleoenv铁mental study of marine sediments from the Mac. Robertson Shelf, East 南极洲. Oral Presentation 1997 国际 Symposium on 南极洲 and 全球 Change .
Sedwick P. ( 1997). 南极东部大陆架海洋沉积物地球化学:古环境研究. Oral Presentation 1997 Third Australian Marine Geoscience Conference .
Sedwick P. ( 1997). 罗斯海南部浮游植物大量繁殖的证据是由融化的海冰释放出的铁. Oral Presentation ASLO 1997 Aquatic Sciences Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 1996). 由融化的海冰释放出铁来调节南极陆架水域的藻华的证据. Oral Presentation 1996 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Conference .
Sedwick P. ( 1992). 海脊外热液活动的时间变异性:夏威夷Loihi海山. Oral Presentation 1992 AGU Fall Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 1991). Compositional history of hydrothermal fluids from Pele's Vents, Loihi Seamount. Oral Presentation 1991 AGU Fall Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 1988). Hydrothermal effluent over the North Fiji Basin Spreading Axis. Oral Presentation 1988 AGU Fall Meeting .
Sedwick P. ( 1987). Transition metals in Loihi Seamount hydrothermal solutions. Oral Presentation 1987 AGU Fall Meeting .
  • 2018: Distinguished 研究 Award, Old Dominion University College of Sciences
  • 2017: 研究 paper of the year award, 2017 (with co-authors of Resing et al., 2015), NOAA-Office of Oceanographic and Atmospheric 研究
  • 2017: 访问ing Scholarship, University of Tasmania
  • 1999: Australian Academy of Science Bede Morris Commonwealth Fellowship,
  • 1993: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 研究 Fellowship,
  • 1983: Arthur Lyman Dean 研究 Prize, University of 夏威夷
  • 1983: O.C. Magistad Award, 夏威夷 Section of the American Chemical Society