School of Medical Diagnostic & 转化科学


NORFOLK, 23529

High-complexity Clinical Laboratory Director (HCLD)
Sponsoring 组织: American Board of Bioanalysis
获得的日期: 2022-12-01
Sponsoring 组织: American Society of Clinical 病理
获得的日期: 2015-11-15

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

Mollica P. 肖,S. "Investigation of psPEF on pathological protein aggregates in HD and AD neural stem cells" $24,000. Old Dominion University. May 10, 2020 - May 9, 2021
Mollica P. 安东尼.里思曼,H. C.萨克斯,P. C.布鲁诺,R. D. 克拉杰,B. J. "COVID-19 Testing Facility Development" $118,270. Old Dominion University. May 1, 2020 - August 31, 2020
Mollica P.布鲁诺,R.萨克斯,P. 肖,S. "Investigating the effects of sub-nanosecond pulsed electric fields as a potential protein disaggregation agent in Huntington’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease neurons" $45,000. 状态. July 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019


Development of CLIA-Certified Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory (Monarch Molecular). As technical supervisor, 一般的上司, and on-site director designee, I oversee all aspects of testing clinical patient specimens to ensure CMS/CLIA compliance.
Induced pluripotent stem cells; Piosecond pulse electric fields; Tissue engineering;
Human neural engineering; Human neuronal electrophysiology
Breast cancer modeling; Three-dimension tumor creation
3 d打印技术


坎贝尔,T.纽约州赖利(Reilly.赞波尼,M.选D.莫里卡,P.卡瓦拉里奥,J. 马丁内斯,J。. (2023). Salivary microRNA as a prospective tool for concussion diagnosis and management: A scoping review.. 脑损伤 37 (7) , pp. 588-595.
Silkuniene G.Mangalanathan,美国. M.罗西,A.莫里卡,P.帕克霍莫夫,A. 帕霍莫娃,O. (2023). Identification of Proteins Involved in Cell Membrane Permeabilization by Nanosecond Electric Pulses (nsEP).. 国际 journal of molecular sciences 24 (11).
Muratori C.斯克西尼尼,G.莫里卡,P.帕克霍莫夫,A. 帕霍莫娃,O. (2021). The role of ESCRT-III and Annexin V in the repair of cell membrane permeabilization by the nanosecond pulsed electric field.. Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 140 , pp. 107837.
罗西,.帕霍莫娃,O.莫里卡,P.卡西奥拉,M.Mangalanathan,美国.帕克霍莫夫,A. C .穆拉托里. (2019). Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields Induce Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Accompanied by Immunogenic Cell Death in Murine Models of Lymphoma and Colorectal 癌症.. 癌症 11 (12).
Mollica P.布斯-克里奇,E. N.里德,J. A.赞波尼,M.沙利文,S。. M.帕尔默,X. L.萨克斯,P. 布鲁诺,R。. (2019). 3D bioprinted mammary organoids and tumoroids in human mammary derived ECM hydrogels.. Acta biomaterialia 95 , pp. 201-213.
J•里德. A.帕尔默,X. L.莫里卡,P.诺瑟姆,n.n.萨克斯,P. 布鲁诺,R。. (2019). A 3D bioprinter platform for mechanistic analysis of tumoroids and chimeric mammary organoids.. 科学报告 9 (1) , pp. 7466.
罗西,.帕霍莫娃,O.帕克霍莫夫,A.韦甘特,S.布里舍娃,A.默里,L。. E.莫里卡,P. C .穆拉托里. (2019). Mechanisms and immunogenicity of nsPEF-induced cell death in B16F10 melanoma tumors.. 科学报告 9 (1) , pp. 431.
J•里德. A.莫里卡,P.布鲁诺,R. 萨克斯,P. (2018). Correction to: Consistent and reproducible cultures of large-scale 3D mammary epithelial structures using an accessible bioprinting platform.. Breast cancer research : BCR 20 (1) , pp. 136.
J•里德. A.莫里卡,P.布鲁诺,R. 萨克斯,P. (2018). Consistent and reproducible cultures of large-scale 3D mammary epithelial structures using an accessible bioprinting platform.. Breast cancer research : BCR 20 (1) , pp. 122.
彼得雷拉,R. A.莫里卡,P.赞波尼,M.里德,J. A.肖,S.布鲁诺,R. 萨克斯,P. (2018). 3D bioprinter applied picosecond pulsed electric fields for targeted manipulation of proliferation and lineage specific gene expression in neural stem cells.. Journal of neural engineering 15 (5) , pp. 056021.
吴,V.奥奇曼,M.莫里卡,P.萨克斯,P. 布鲁诺,R。. (2018). ALDH1A1 positive cells are a unique component of the tonsillar crypt niche and are lost along with NGFR positive stem cells during tumourigenesis.. 病理 50 (5) , pp. 524-529.
Mollica P.赞波尼,M.里德,J. A.夏尔马,D. K.白色,A. E.,瞪眼,R.布鲁诺,R. 萨克斯,P. (2018). Epigenetic alterations mediate iPSC-induced normalization of DNA repair gene expression and TNR stability in Huntington's disease cells.. Journal of cell science 131 (13).
Muratori C.帕克霍莫夫,A.吉安努利斯,E.米德斯,J.卡西奥拉,M.莫里卡,P. 帕霍莫娃,O. (2017). Activation of the phospholipid scramblase TMEM16F by nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) facilitates its diverse cytophysiological effects.. The Journal of biological chemistry 292 (47) , pp. 19381-19391.
(goldman Sachs)、P.莫里卡,P. 布鲁诺,R。. (2017). Tissue specific microenvironments: a key tool for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.. Journal of biological engineering 11 , pp. 34.
Mollica P.里德,J. A.,瞪眼,R.萨克斯,P. 布鲁诺,R。. (2016). DNA Methylation Leads to DNA Repair Gene Down-Regulation and Trinucleotide Repeat Expansion in Patient-Derived Huntington Disease Cells.. The American journal of pathology 186 (7) , pp. 1967-1976.
J•里德. A.莫里卡,P.约翰逊,G. D.,瞪眼,R.布鲁诺,R. 萨克斯,P. (2016). Accessible bioprinting: adaptation of a low-cost 3D-printer for precise cell placement and stem cell differentiation.. 生物制造 8 (2) , pp. 025017.