Associate Dean for 研究 and 创新
Ellmer College of 健康 Sciences


NORFOLK, 23529

Dr. Rhea于2009年在普渡大学(Purdue University)完成了生物力学专业的运动机能学博士学位. He then completed a 2.在布朗大学和普罗维登斯退伍军人医疗中心做了五年的博士后主要研究使用虚拟现实来增强康复. From 2011-2022, Dr. 瑞亚是北卡罗来纳大学格林斯博罗分校运动机能系的一名教员, 在2022年6月加入ODU担任研究副院长之前,他从助理教授晋升为正教授 & 创新 in the College of 健康 Sciences. Dr. Rhea继续有一个积极的和资助的研究线,重点是使用先进的技术(如.g., virtual reality, smartphones) to enhance human health.

Ph.D. in Kinesiology, Purdue University, (2009)

M.S. in Movement Science, Barry University, (2004)

B.S. in Physical 教育, University of Central Missouri, (2002)

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

土卫五C. K. "Longitudinal assessment of neuromotor control after repeated sub-concussive head trauma from blast exposure; funded by Department of Defense" $958,937. 联邦. 2020 - 2025
Raffegeau T. E. 瑞亚,C. K. "Using virtual reality to study cognitive and affective risk factors for falls in older adults; funded by 4-VA" $20,045. 状态. 2023 - 2024
陈.霍尔德曼,L.瑞亚,C. K.戈德法布,A.福勒,J. 亨普希尔,M. "The science of essential balance; funded by NIH" $1,246,118. 联邦. 2018 - 2023
McGuirt J. T.戴森,O. L. 瑞亚,C. K. "Designing and testing a community context driven evidence-based virtual avatar coaching approach to improve access to health promotion programs for low-income children and families (Phase 2); funded by HRSA" $30,000. 联邦. 2019 - 2021
Raisbeck L. D.拉班,J. 瑞亚,C. K. "Merging attentional focus and balance training to reduce fall risk in older adults; funded by NIH" $345,472. 联邦. 2017 - 2021
土卫五C. K. "TBI Assessment of Readiness using a 步态 Evaluation Test (TARGET): Development of a portable mTBI screening device; funded by Department of Defense" $941,639. 联邦. 2015 - 2020
McGuirt J. T.戴森,O. L. 瑞亚,C. K. "Designing and testing a community context driven evidence-based virtual avatar coaching approach to improve access to health promotion programs for low-income children and families (Phase 1); funded by HRSA" $10,000. 联邦. 2018 - 2019
土卫五C. K. "Balance assessment following combat mTBI (Phase 2); funded by 美国海军" $18,818. 联邦. 2016 - 2016
达菲,D. M. 瑞亚,C. K. “诊断, 评价, and return-to-play after concussion in women athletes playing full contact American football; funded by 女性's Football Foundation" $69,000. 私人. 2014 - 2016
土卫五C. K. "Balance assessment following combat mTBI (Phase 1); funded by 美国海军" $104,182. 联邦. 2015 - 2015
土卫五C. K. "Nonlinear dynamics analysis of biomechanical and physiological data from the Navy Experimental Diving Unit; funded by 美国海军" $100,000. 联邦. 2014 - 2014
土卫五C. K. 里特迪克,S. 障碍物的光学特性会影响建筑工人绊倒的风险吗?; funded by NIOSH" $4,970. 联邦. 2006 - 2006
土卫五C. K. 里特迪克,S. "Risk assessment of tripping for construction workers: Application of action-perception theory; funded by NIOSH" $13,385. 联邦. 2005 - 2005

研究 Interests

Dr. 瑞亚的研究是神经运动控制和先进技术(如.g., virtual reality, smartphones) to address human health challenges. 为了达到这个目的,Dr. Rhea's team has been funded the NIH, 国防部, 美国海军, HRSA, NIOSH, 女性's Football Foundation, and 4-VA to explore solutions related to falls in older adults, 脑震荡, service member health, occupational health, and child physical activity and nutrition.


山田,M.洛斯,K. R.瑞亚,C. K.Schmitz, R. J. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2024). Do attentional focus cues affect the type or number of explicit rules? Proof of concepts of the self-invoking trigger or explicit knowledge hypotheses. Psychology of Sport & 锻炼 70.
梦露,维. C.贝瑞,加州. T.菲诺,P. C. 瑞亚,C. K. (2023). 动态系统方法表征运动过程中的脑-体相互作用:挑战, 解释, and recommendations. 传感器 23 (14) , pp. 6296.
Butler-Storsved, L. A., Kocher Brown, P. L.吉尔,D。. L. 瑞亚,C. K. (2023). 有意识的功能性动作热身对九年级学生动作素质的影响. The Physical Educator 80 , pp. 295-310.
杉本学说,Y. A.瑞亚,C. K. 罗斯,S。. E. (2023). 通过一款新颖的智能手机应用程序,对有复发性踝关节扭伤史和行走时背屈改变的个体进行改良的大腿近端运动学监测. Clinical Biomechanics 105 , pp. 105955.
杉本学说,Y.麦肯,P. O.瑞亚,C. K.Schmitz, R. J.汉森,R. A.罗斯,S. E. 马塔科拉,C. G. (2023). 与健康对照相比,慢性踝关节不稳定患者前庭反馈与任务约束增加的感觉重加权系统差异. Journal of Athletic Training.
地中海,K. M.洛·雅科诺(LoJacono), C. T. 瑞亚,C. K. (2022). 非药物干预改善神经系统人群步态不对称的系统综述. 对称 14 , pp. 281.
梦露,维. C.杜波依斯,S.瑞亚,C. K. 和达菲,D. M. (2022). 女轮滑运动员脑结构-功能耦合的年龄相关轨迹. 大脑科学 12 , pp. 22.
浆果,N. T.瑞亚,C. K. 以及L .怀德曼. (2022). Cardio-hypothalamic-pituitary coupling during rest and in response to exercise. 24 (8) , pp. 1045.
土卫五C. K.山田,M.库兹涅佐夫,N. A.Jakiela, J. T.洛·雅科诺(LoJacono), C. T.罗斯,S. E.哈兰,F. J.贝利,J. M. 怀特,W。. G. (2022). Neuromotor changes after a concussion can be detected with a custom smartphone app. 《bet8体育娱乐入口》 17 (12) , pp. e0278994.
山田,M.洛斯,K. R.瑞亚,C. K.Schmitz, R. J. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2022). 在速度-准确性权衡任务中,练习而非任务难度介导了注意力集中效应. Perceptual and Motor Skills 129 (5) , pp. 1504-1524.
Park-Braswell K.新郎,D. R.舒尔茨,S. J.莱兹贝克,L. D.瑞亚,C. K. Schmitz, R. J. (2022). Sex-specific brain function during single leg exercise. 国际 Journal of 体育 Physical Therapy 17 (7) , pp. 1249-1258.
哈兰,F. J.方便,方便. D.Servatius, R. J.瑞亚,C. K. 和曹,J. W. (2021). 次震荡爆炸暴露后现役军人的急性神经认知缺陷. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult 28 (3) , pp. 297-309.
科克伦,年代. M.艾肯,C. A.瑞亚,C. K. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2021). 外部注意力焦点和目标遮挡对虚拟现实性能的影响. Human Movement Science 76 , pp. 102753.
基弗,. W., Armitano-Lago, C. N.圆锥,B. L.Bonnette, S.瑞亚,C. K., Cummins-Sebree, S. 莱利,M。. A. (2021). Postural control development from late childhood though young adulthood. 步态 & 的姿势 86 , pp. 169-173.
希金斯,我. Q.拉班,J. D.斯托特,R. D.费尔布罗泽,J. T.瑞亚,C. K. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2021). 老年人在12周平衡训练干预期间和之后的姿势控制与注意力集中指导. Journal of Motor 学习 and Development 9 (3) , pp. 345-370.
Felsberg D. T. 瑞亚,C. K. (2021). Spontaneous interpersonal synchronization of gait: A systematic review. 档案 of Rehabilitation 研究 & Clinical Translation 3 , pp. 100097.
McGuirt J. T.B.戴森,O. L.马拉德,L.特里皮乔,G. 瑞亚,C. K. (2021). Virtual avatar coaching with community context for adult-child dyads with low income. Journal of Nurtirtion 教育 and Behavior 53 (3) , pp. 232-239.
元,W.达德利,J., Slutsky-Ganesh, A.利奇,J.Schiefele, P.阿尔塔耶,M.福斯,K. D.瑞亚,C. K. Myer, G. D. (2021). SWAT爆破突破训练后白质改变及颈套装置的调节作用:DTI和NODDI研究. 军事医学 186 (11-12) , pp. 1183-1190.
Raisbeck L. D.迪克弗斯,J. D. 瑞亚,C. K. (2020). 外聚焦能改善慢性踝关节不稳定患者的单腿跳跃距离吗?. Athletic Training & 体育 健康 Care 12 (6) , pp. 265-271.
斯塔福德郡,J. W.罗斯,S. E.莱兹贝克,L. D. 瑞亚,C. K. (2020). Effect of perceived fatigue and workload on two mobile balance tests. 国际 Journal of Sport Science 10 (6) , pp. 123-130.
玻璃,年代. M.圆锥,B. L.瑞亚,C. K.杜菲,D. M. 罗斯,S。. E. (2020). 在健康年轻人临床平衡测试中,线性和非线性姿势控制指标对人体测量学的性别特异性依赖. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 29 , pp. 405-412.
浆果,N. T.韦德曼,L. 瑞亚,C. K. (2020). Variability and complexity of non-stationary function: Methods for post-exercise HRV. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 24 (4) , pp. 367-387.
Wittstein, M. W.斯塔罗宾,J. M.Schmitz, R. J.舒尔茨,S. J.哈兰,F. J. 瑞亚,C. K. (2019). 健康的年轻人和老年人在跑步机上行走时的心脏和步态节律. Aging Clinical and Experimental 研究 31 (3) , pp. 367-375.
土卫五C. K.Schleich, K. N.华盛顿,L。.玻璃,S. M.罗斯,S. E.埃特尼尔,J. L.怀特,W. G.高布尔,D. J. 和达菲,D. M. (2019). Neuromotor and neurocognitive performance in female American football players. Athletic Training & 体育 健康 Care 11 (5) , pp. 224-233.
土卫五C. K.迪克弗斯,J. A.费尔布罗泽,J. T. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2019). Postural control entropy is increased when adopting an external focus of attention. 电机控制 23 (2) , pp. 230-242.
玻璃,年代. M.瑞亚,C. K.Schmitz, R. J. 罗斯,S。. E. (2019). 年轻健康成人运动复杂性负荷相关变化的潜在介质. Journal of Athletic Training 54 (1) , pp. 70-80.
玻璃,年代. M.Schmitz, R. J.瑞亚,C. K. 罗斯,S。. E. (2019). 年轻健康成人运动质量负荷相关下降的潜在介质. Journal of Athletic Training 54 (1) , pp. 81-89.
元,W.福斯,K. D.托马斯·S.加洛韦,R.狄更斯,C.达德利,J.利奇,J.谢菲勒,P.阿尔塔耶,M.塔瓦奇,T. M.瑞亚,C. K. Myer, G. D. (2019). 低水平爆炸暴露对一天触觉训练后脑功能的影响及颈静脉压迫颈套装置的改善效果. Journal of Neurotrauma 36 , pp. 721-734.
Diekfuss J. D.瑞亚,C. K.Schmitz, R. J.新郎,D. R.威尔金斯,R. W.斯卢茨基,A. B. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2019). The influence of attentional focus on balance control over seven days of training. Journal of Motor Behavior 51 (3) , pp. 281-292.
Felsberg D. T., Maher, J. P. 瑞亚,C. (2019). 行为改变技术在神经系统人群虚拟现实康复中的现状:系统综述. Frontiers in Psychology: Movement Science and Sport Psychology 10 , pp. 979.