CyberCorps Scholarship for 服务

Cyber 领导人 Scholars Program

bet8体育娱乐入口网络安全学院获得了美国国家科学基金会网络军团服务奖学金(SFS)倡议的资助,以创建网络领袖学者项目. 与弗吉尼亚半岛社区学院和潮水社区学院合作, ODU的网络安全学院将为入选的学生提供2-3年的支持机会. 获得奖学金的学生必须在联邦政府选定的网络安全职位上工作与获得奖学金支持的时间相同.

The students will engage in applied experiences related to leadership, academic internships, 多样性, 创业, 服务学习. 学生还将有机会创建一个电子作品集,记录他们的学习并突出他们的技能.

以ODU为模型 领导人 程序, 奖学金获得者完成的应用学习经验和课程将确保他们在广泛的网络安全政府职业生涯中做好准备并取得成功.


The Cyber 领导人 SFS Scholars 程序 is open to:

  • TCC and VPCC cybersecurity students who intend to transfer to ODU's BS in cybersecurity 程序. 资助将在学生在社区学院的最后一年和在ODU的两年提供.
  • ODU cybersecurity students 在他们的大三和大四(将提供长达两年的奖学金支持).
  • ODU cybersecurity students 有兴趣获得网络安全学士和硕士学位(将提供长达三年的奖学金支持).
  • ODU graduate students 全日制注册网络安全硕士项目(将提供长达两年的奖学金支持).


Cyber 领导人 SFS Scholars will receive:

  • 学费 (in-状态) and fees
  • An annual stipend ($27,000 for undergraduate and $37,000 for graduate students)
  • An annual book allowance
  • A professional development allowance ($6,000) that scholars can use to attend the mandatory SFS job fair, 旅行, books and professional certifications


To be considered for the Cyber 领导人 SFS 程序, students must be:

  • A U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

  • Enrolled full-time for the duration of the scholarship.

  • Able to take classes on-campus at ODU's main location.

  • ODU网络安全本科、大三或大四学生或2021年秋季的硕士生,或2021年秋季AAS课程最后一年的学生,并在潮水社区学院或弗吉尼亚半岛社区学院获得可转移的副学士学位,并签署了转学意向表格,以便在2022年秋季作为网络安全学生参加ODU.

  • 能够获得联邦政府的工作,如果需要,还能成功获得安全许可.
    Willing to commit to a background check

Cyber 领导人 SFS Scholars must:

  • Maintain a grade point average above 3.20.

  • Participate in the ODU 领导人 程序.

  • Develop and maintain an electronic portfolio.

  • Successfully complete cybersecurity internships with authorized federal, 状态, or local agencies each summer the student is enrolled in the 程序.

  • Participate in ongoing School of 网络安全 events including seminars, 辅导课程, 建议项目, 人事和管理办公室(OPM)的年度赛博军团™服务招聘会奖学金, and the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative's annual internship fair.

  • 在奖学金期间不得就业,以便将全部注意力放在完成项目要求上.

  • Sign CyberCorps®: Scholarship For 服务 (SFS) 服务 Agreement.

  • Complete Responsibility and Obligation Acknowledgement form.

  • Complete at least two of the following:

✓ A leadership course approved by ODU faculty as a 领导人 course.

✓ CYSE 494/595 (创业 in 网络安全)


✓ Complete a service learning project supervised by a faculty member

✓ Complete a 多样性 studies course approved by ODU faculty as a 领导人 course.

  • 寻求并获得联邦政府的全职职位,并在该机构完成至少与奖学金相同的服务年限. 例如, if the student received the scholarship for two years, the student would be obligated to complete two years of federal employment.



  • A CV or resume that shows work experience, 技能, 课程, extracurricular activities, 和荣誉/奖项.

  • Develop a three-page personal 状态ment. The 状态ment should tell readers about your interest in cybersecurity, how prior courses have prepared you for the ODU Cyber 领导人 程序, your professional goals, and which agencies are most appealing to you. Also include reasons why government employment is of interest to you, 特别强调你的职业目标与服务理想的一致性. 更准确地说, 陈述应该解释你为什么对这个项目感兴趣,以及你是如何知道你愿意在你学术生涯的这个阶段为联邦政府工作的.

  • Two letters of reference from faculty. Additional letters from employers can be included.

  • TCC和VPCC students applying for their 2nd year at their community college, submit a Letter of Verification from Kim Perez, (TCC) or Michael Mann, (VPCC).

  • 联系 information from at least two individuals who can describe your 技能, 潜在的, and commitment to working for the government.

  • Unofficial copies of transcripts from all colleges attended. Official copies will be needed if selected.

  • A writing sample from a paper written for a class or project.

  • Use this link to apply - CyberCorps Scholarship for 服务 Application


Q: Where can I learn more about the Scholarship for 服务 程序?

A: The 办公室 of Personnel Management's (OPM) Scholarship for 服务 项目网站为未来和现在的学生提供了更多的细节和信息.

Q: 什么类型的信息在背景调查和授予联邦职位的许可中被考虑?

A: The government uses the sf - 86表格 to conduct background checks for national security positions.

Q: What if I want to change my major?

A. 如果你没有获得网络安全学位并在联邦政府工作足够的时间, you will need to repay all funds received in the scholarship award.

Q: What if I am not certain about wanting to work for the federal government?


Q: Which agencies would meet my service requirements?

A: Here is a list of qualifying 联邦行政 & Non-Executive Agencies.

Q: 如果我是TCC或TNCC的学生,在申请这个项目时我应该使用什么机构?

A1:如果你是TCC或TNCC在ITS或网络安全项目的最后一年开始的学生,你将列出TCC或TNCC作为你的机构. 这将为你提供三年的资助——一年在社区学院,两年在ODU.

A2:如果你是TCC或TNCC的最后一个学期的学生,并且你计划在秋季学期转到ODU,你需要将ODU列为你的机构. 你将被视为ODU学生,因为你在转学之前完成了副学士学位,你将获得两年的ODU大三和大四学生资助.

To be considered for the Cyber 领导人 SFS 程序, students must be:

  • A U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

  • Enrolled full-time for the duration of the scholarship.

  • Able to take classes on-campus at ODU's main location.

  • ODU网络安全本科、大三或大四学生或2021年秋季的硕士生,或2021年秋季AAS课程最后一年的学生,并在潮水社区学院或弗吉尼亚半岛社区学院获得可转移的副学士学位,并签署了转学意向表格,以便在2022年秋季作为网络安全学生参加ODU.

  • 能够获得联邦政府的工作,如果需要,还能成功获得安全许可.
    Willing to commit to a background check

Cyber 领导人 SFS Scholars must:

  • Maintain a grade point average above 3.20.

  • Participate in the ODU 领导人 程序.

  • Develop and maintain an electronic portfolio.

  • Successfully complete cybersecurity internships with authorized federal, 状态, or local agencies each summer the student is enrolled in the 程序.

  • Participate in ongoing School of 网络安全 events including seminars, 辅导课程, 建议项目, 人事和管理办公室(OPM)的年度赛博军团™服务招聘会奖学金, and the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative's annual internship fair.

  • 在奖学金期间不得就业,以便将全部注意力放在完成项目要求上.

  • Sign CyberCorps®: Scholarship For 服务 (SFS) 服务 Agreement.

  • Complete Responsibility and Obligation Acknowledgement form.

  • Complete at least two of the following:

✓ A leadership course approved by ODU faculty as a 领导人 course.

✓ CYSE 494/595 (创业 in 网络安全)


✓ Complete a service learning project supervised by a faculty member

✓ Complete a 多样性 studies course approved by ODU faculty as a 领导人 course.

  • 寻求并获得联邦政府的全职职位,并在该机构完成至少与奖学金相同的服务年限. 例如, if the student received the scholarship for two years, the student would be obligated to complete two years of federal employment.



  • A CV or resume that shows work experience, 技能, 课程, extracurricular activities, 和荣誉/奖项.

  • Develop a three-page personal 状态ment. The 状态ment should tell readers about your interest in cybersecurity, how prior courses have prepared you for the ODU Cyber 领导人 程序, your professional goals, and which agencies are most appealing to you. Also include reasons why government employment is of interest to you, 特别强调你的职业目标与服务理想的一致性. 更准确地说, 陈述应该解释你为什么对这个项目感兴趣,以及你是如何知道你愿意在你学术生涯的这个阶段为联邦政府工作的.

  • Two letters of reference from faculty. Additional letters from employers can be included.

  • TCC和VPCC students applying for their 2nd year at their community college, submit a Letter of Verification from Kim Perez, (TCC) or Michael Mann, (VPCC).

  • 联系 information from at least two individuals who can describe your 技能, 潜在的, and commitment to working for the government.

  • Unofficial copies of transcripts from all colleges attended. Official copies will be needed if selected.

  • A writing sample from a paper written for a class or project.

  • Use this link to apply - CyberCorps Scholarship for 服务 Application


Q: Where can I learn more about the Scholarship for 服务 程序?

A: The 办公室 of Personnel Management's (OPM) Scholarship for 服务 项目网站为未来和现在的学生提供了更多的细节和信息.

Q: 什么类型的信息在背景调查和授予联邦职位的许可中被考虑?

A: The government uses the sf - 86表格 to conduct background checks for national security positions.

Q: What if I want to change my major?

A. 如果你没有获得网络安全学位并在联邦政府工作足够的时间, you will need to repay all funds received in the scholarship award.

Q: What if I am not certain about wanting to work for the federal government?


Q: Which agencies would meet my service requirements?

A: Here is a list of qualifying 联邦行政 & Non-Executive Agencies.

Q: 如果我是TCC或TNCC的学生,在申请这个项目时我应该使用什么机构?

A1:如果你是TCC或TNCC在ITS或网络安全项目的最后一年开始的学生,你将列出TCC或TNCC作为你的机构. 这将为你提供三年的资助——一年在社区学院,两年在ODU.

A2:如果你是TCC或TNCC的最后一个学期的学生,并且你计划在秋季学期转到ODU,你需要将ODU列为你的机构. 你将被视为ODU学生,因为你在转学之前完成了副学士学位,你将获得两年的ODU大三和大四学生资助.



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