


计算机科学系, 以及整个bet8体育娱乐入口, has 教师 engaged in research both within the field of computer science and beyond. For undergraduate students interested in research the process may seem overwhelming, so here are some FAQ's and resources to assist in getting started.


Students who are engaged in undergraduate research are mentored by 教师 in a small-group environment to tackle specific tasks. Different mechanisms are available - paid undergraduate research assistants, 无报酬的研究工作赚取课程学分, 以及研究奖学金. The identification of a research opportunity needs communication with 教师 who conduct research, 以建立共同的利益.


本科 research is an important element of excellence in education. 研究 by definition is "careful study and investigation for the purpose of discovering and explaining new knowledge" according to Merriam-Webster. 学生们面临着现实世界问题的挑战, the solutions of which often need dedicated effort beyond the scope of a regular course. Students who have gone through undergraduate research generally have extremely positive feedback in the development of critical thinking skills, 职业规划, 以及专业的沟通协作能力.


Identifying research opportunities involves communication with 教师 who conduct research. 最好的开始方式是访问所有的研究页面 教师 在系里学习全科教师的整体兴趣. Titles of their publications often give you an overall scope of the research. There are undergraduate research activities hosted at CS department and at the university each year. Such events provide opportunities to learn many research topics and to meet other students who have done research.

  • 两个学生, Angelos Angelopoulos and Bradley Dash, traveled to 弗吉尼亚理工大学 to present posters. They were supported by the Department of 计算机科学 and 理学院 to attend the 中大西洋本科生研究会议, 3月23 - 24日, 2019. 在“演示文稿”选项卡中查看有关其海报的详细信息.
  • 研究 and Opportunities Workshop: Computation in 生物医学 Applications was hosted by the Department of 计算机科学 and M-MARC program on March 19, 2019. Dr. 野生动物,博士. He, and Master student Tim Baker gave talks about interdisciplinary research.
  • 两个学生, Angelos Angelopoulos和Peter Scheible, 在ODU本科生研讨会上发表, 2月2日, 2019. Angelos Angelopoulos presented his work in two different projects. 在“演示文稿”选项卡中查看有关他的作品的详细信息.


  1. 伊斯兰教,T., Poteat, M.他,我. β-链中心线扭曲的量化 计算生物学杂志, 25(1), 114-20, 2018.
  2. Poteat, M., 他,我. "建模 Beta-sheets using Iterative Bezier Surface Fitting on Cryo-EM Density maps" 基于分子的数学生物学, 5, 31-9, 2017.
  3. Zeil,年代.科瓦奇,J.,箭牌,W., 他,我. "A Method to Compare an Atomic Model and Its Cryo-EM 图像 at the Central Axis of a Helix" 计算生物学杂志, 24(1), 52-67, 2017.
  4. 伊斯兰教,T., Poteat, M.他,我. "Analysis of β-strand Twist from the 3-dimensional 图像 of a Protein", Proceedings of the 8th ACM 国际 Conference on Bioinformatics, 计算生物学, 与健康信息学(acm - bbc17), 650-54, 波士顿, 8月20, 2017.
  5. Biswas一.马里兰州兰詹(Ranjan.苏拜尔,M., Zeil,年代., 他,我. "An Effective Computational Method Incorporating Multiple Secondary Structure Predictions in Topology Determination for Cryo-EM 图像s", IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI 10.1109 / TCBB.2016.2543721, 2016.
  6. 海斯蓝,D.苏拜尔,M.马里兰州兰詹(Ranjan., 他,我. "Challenges in Matching Secondary Structures in Cryo-EM - an Exploration" IEEE 国际 Conference of Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) 车间, 中国深圳,1719- 24,2016年12月15-18日.
  7. 他,我., Zeil,年代., Hallak, H.麦凯格,K.科瓦奇,J.,箭牌,W. "Comparison of an Atomic Model and the Cryo-EM 图像 at the Central Axis of a Helix", Proceeding of the IEEE 国际 Conference of Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 1253-9华盛顿特区. C.11月. 9-12, 2015.

本科 students who conducted research work are in bold.

  • 上地,.贝克,T。., 他,我. "Visualization of Molecular Structures with Augmented Reality Goggles for STEM Education", 中大西洋本科生研究会议, 弗吉尼亚理工大学, 布莱克斯堡, VA, 3月23 - 24日,2019.
  • 破折号,B.吴,J. "Toward improving a neural network citation parser with large scale synthesized bibliography data", 中大西洋本科生研究会议, 弗吉尼亚理工大学, 布莱克斯堡, VA, 3月23 - 24日,2019.
  • 上地,.Chrisochoides, n.n., "Deep 学习 Real-Time Physics-based Non-Rigid Registration for Accurate Geometry Representation of Brain in 建模 Deformation During Glioma Resection", 本科生研究研讨会, bet8体育娱乐入口, 诺福克, VA, 2月, 2, 2019.
  • 上地,.贝克,T。., 他,我. "Visualization of Molecular Structures with Augmented Reality Goggles for STEM Education", bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月2日, 2019.
  • Scheible P., 他,我. "Separation of Sub-图像 Entities in Cryo-Electron Microscopy Density Maps by Clustering" bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月2日, 2019.
  • Poteat, M., 他,我. "Improving Detection of Secondary Structures within Medium Resolution Cryo-EM Density Maps" bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 3月2日, 2018.
  • Scheible P., Sazzed, S., 他,我. "Pattern Detection in Three-Dimensional Cryo-EM 图像s of Filament Bundles" bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 3月2日, 2018.
  • 草率,B., 他,我. "Comparison of Multiple Methods for Quantifying β-Strand Twist in a Protein Structure" bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 3月2日, 2018.
  • Zeil,年代.哈斯拉姆,D.,箭牌,W.科瓦奇,J., 他,我. "Comparing an Atomic Model or Structure to a Corresponding Cryo-EM 图像 at the Central Axis of a Helix" bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月18日, 2017.
  • Poteat, M., 他,我. "Modelling Beta-sheets using Iterative Bézier Surface Fitting on Cryo-EM Density Maps", bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月18日, 2017.
  • 海斯蓝,D.苏拜尔,M.马里兰州兰詹(Ranjan., 他,我. "Challenges in Matching Secondary Structures in Cryo-EM - An Exploration", bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月18日, 2017.
  • 史,C.,箭牌,W., 他,我. "Development of a Software Tool for Protein Secondary Structure Detection from Electron Density Maps from Cryo-Electron Microscopy", bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月18日, 2017.
  • Rattz J., Zubair, M马里兰州兰詹(Ranjan.Terzic, B. 提高康普顿散射计算的效率, bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月18日, 2017.

  • 两个学生, Angelos Angelopoulos and Bradley Dash, traveled to 弗吉尼亚理工大学 to present posters. They were supported by the Department of 计算机科学 and 理学院 to attend the 中大西洋本科生研究会议, 3月23 - 24日, 2019. 在“演示文稿”选项卡中查看有关其海报的详细信息.
  • 研究 and Opportunities Workshop: Computation in 生物医学 Applications was hosted by the Department of 计算机科学 and M-MARC program on March 19, 2019. Dr. 野生动物,博士. He, and Master student Tim Baker gave talks about interdisciplinary research.
  • 两个学生, Angelos Angelopoulos和Peter Scheible, 在ODU本科生研讨会上发表, 2月2日, 2019. Angelos Angelopoulos presented his work in two different projects. 在“演示文稿”选项卡中查看有关他的作品的详细信息.


  1. 伊斯兰教,T., Poteat, M.他,我. β-链中心线扭曲的量化 计算生物学杂志, 25(1), 114-20, 2018.
  2. Poteat, M., 他,我. "建模 Beta-sheets using Iterative Bezier Surface Fitting on Cryo-EM Density maps" 基于分子的数学生物学, 5, 31-9, 2017.
  3. Zeil,年代.科瓦奇,J.,箭牌,W., 他,我. "A Method to Compare an Atomic Model and Its Cryo-EM 图像 at the Central Axis of a Helix" 计算生物学杂志, 24(1), 52-67, 2017.
  4. 伊斯兰教,T., Poteat, M.他,我. "Analysis of β-strand Twist from the 3-dimensional 图像 of a Protein", Proceedings of the 8th ACM 国际 Conference on Bioinformatics, 计算生物学, 与健康信息学(acm - bbc17), 650-54, 波士顿, 8月20, 2017.
  5. Biswas一.马里兰州兰詹(Ranjan.苏拜尔,M., Zeil,年代., 他,我. "An Effective Computational Method Incorporating Multiple Secondary Structure Predictions in Topology Determination for Cryo-EM 图像s", IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI 10.1109 / TCBB.2016.2543721, 2016.
  6. 海斯蓝,D.苏拜尔,M.马里兰州兰詹(Ranjan., 他,我. "Challenges in Matching Secondary Structures in Cryo-EM - an Exploration" IEEE 国际 Conference of Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) 车间, 中国深圳,1719- 24,2016年12月15-18日.
  7. 他,我., Zeil,年代., Hallak, H.麦凯格,K.科瓦奇,J.,箭牌,W. "Comparison of an Atomic Model and the Cryo-EM 图像 at the Central Axis of a Helix", Proceeding of the IEEE 国际 Conference of Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 1253-9华盛顿特区. C.11月. 9-12, 2015.

本科 students who conducted research work are in bold.

  • 上地,.贝克,T。., 他,我. "Visualization of Molecular Structures with Augmented Reality Goggles for STEM Education", 中大西洋本科生研究会议, 弗吉尼亚理工大学, 布莱克斯堡, VA, 3月23 - 24日,2019.
  • 破折号,B.吴,J. "Toward improving a neural network citation parser with large scale synthesized bibliography data", 中大西洋本科生研究会议, 弗吉尼亚理工大学, 布莱克斯堡, VA, 3月23 - 24日,2019.
  • 上地,.Chrisochoides, n.n., "Deep 学习 Real-Time Physics-based Non-Rigid Registration for Accurate Geometry Representation of Brain in 建模 Deformation During Glioma Resection", 本科生研究研讨会, bet8体育娱乐入口, 诺福克, VA, 2月, 2, 2019.
  • 上地,.贝克,T。., 他,我. "Visualization of Molecular Structures with Augmented Reality Goggles for STEM Education", bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月2日, 2019.
  • Scheible P., 他,我. "Separation of Sub-图像 Entities in Cryo-Electron Microscopy Density Maps by Clustering" bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月2日, 2019.
  • Poteat, M., 他,我. "Improving Detection of Secondary Structures within Medium Resolution Cryo-EM Density Maps" bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 3月2日, 2018.
  • Scheible P., Sazzed, S., 他,我. "Pattern Detection in Three-Dimensional Cryo-EM 图像s of Filament Bundles" bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 3月2日, 2018.
  • 草率,B., 他,我. "Comparison of Multiple Methods for Quantifying β-Strand Twist in a Protein Structure" bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 3月2日, 2018.
  • Zeil,年代.哈斯拉姆,D.,箭牌,W.科瓦奇,J., 他,我. "Comparing an Atomic Model or Structure to a Corresponding Cryo-EM 图像 at the Central Axis of a Helix" bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月18日, 2017.
  • Poteat, M., 他,我. "Modelling Beta-sheets using Iterative Bézier Surface Fitting on Cryo-EM Density Maps", bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月18日, 2017.
  • 海斯蓝,D.苏拜尔,M.马里兰州兰詹(Ranjan., 他,我. "Challenges in Matching Secondary Structures in Cryo-EM - An Exploration", bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月18日, 2017.
  • 史,C.,箭牌,W., 他,我. "Development of a Software Tool for Protein Secondary Structure Detection from Electron Density Maps from Cryo-Electron Microscopy", bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月18日, 2017.
  • Rattz J., Zubair, M马里兰州兰詹(Ranjan.Terzic, B. 提高康普顿散射计算的效率, bet8体育娱乐入口本科生研究研讨会, 诺福克, 2月18日, 2017.