2月11日,达顿教育与专业研究学院为六名杰出校友的成就举行了庆祝活动. 21.


Nominated by faculty from each of the college’s six departments, 这些校友在社区内外都是服务和卓越的典范. 他们是从达顿学院4.1万多名毕业生中挑选出来的.


The 2023 fellows are:

Lisa Duncan Raines
Ph.D. with concentration in higher education (2012)

At Christopher Newport, Duncan Raines与校园内的办公室合作,建立并维护以保留为重点的战略框架, 毕业和毕业后的成果,以支持北京师范大学的使命和目标. 她目前的职责包括监督核心学术建议, the Center for Academic Success, the Center for Career Planning, the Office of Financial Aid and the Office of the Registrar. She also oversees programs for early alert and “at-risk” students, academic support for students with disabilities, transfer admission and enrollment, tutoring and veterans’ educational benefit programs. Under her leadership, CNU获得了Ruffalo Noel Levitz 2016年金奖,并获得了大学商业杂志2016年夏季卓越典范奖.

Aileen L. Smith
M.S.Ed. in counseling (1993)

Smith oversees Social Services, Business Administration, 弗吉尼亚海滩人类服务部行为健康和发展服务(VBDHS). She leads about 1,500 employees and 60 programs, 监督超过1.23亿美元的预算,为弗吉尼亚海滩市民的项目提供资金. Before accepting this position, 她是VBDHS行为健康发展服务部的副主任. She has worked for 28 years in the field of intellectual disabilities, mental health, substance use and prevention. 她毕业于弗吉尼亚大学的LEAD领导力项目,并于2016年成为乔治城大学少年司法改革中心的研究员. She served on Gov. Terry McAuliffe的行为健康和司法咨询委员会中心,以及汉普顿路海洛因特别工作组和州长. Ralph Northam’s mental health policy work group.

Renee Garrett
M.S.Ed. in communication sciences and disorders (2010)
Sentara Belle Harbour门诊治疗中心的语言病理学家

在2022年加入圣塔拉贝尔港门诊治疗中心之前, Garrett在住院康复和门诊环境中担任医学语言病理学家(SLP), in assisted living and in acute care hospitals, 服务终生患有吞咽困难和各种沟通和认知障碍的成年人. 她还在ODU的沟通科学和障碍本科课程任教,并指导研究生临床医生. She has a special interest in post-traumatic brain injury. 加勒特持有美国脑损伤协会的认证. 她曾多次获得美国语言听力协会颁发的ACE奖, 表彰那些表现出终身学习承诺的slp.

Cathy Rossi
M.S.Ed. in sport management (2004)

Since earning her master’s degree from ODU, 罗西曾在几所学院和大学担任领导职务, 担任体育预算的财务经理,从1400万美元到1.1亿美元不等. 她在波士顿学院开始了她的体育生涯,在售票处工作. 接着,她成为了威廉学院的体育业务经理 & 玛丽,然后是里士满大学的体育主管助理. From there, 她成为明尼苏达大学体育预算和财务主管. 今年是她在威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校担任体育副主任的第七年.

Shantell Strickland-Davis
Ph.D. with concentration in occupational and technical studies (2018)

Strickland-Davis is chief talent officer of the Charlotte, North Carolina, 学院和各单位在师资队伍的设计和发展方面进行咨询, staff and leadership professional learning, programming and resources. She oversees all facets of professional learning and engagement, including equity, diversity and inclusion programs, online teaching, educational development, 技术教育和支持学院领导和管理人员. 她是中央皮埃蒙特教与学中心的创始执行董事. 她的研究议程包括教师的效率和信心,以及社区学院教师得到最好支持的方式.

Tina Manglicmot
M.S. in secondary education (1998)
Chief academic officer of Newport News Public Schools

Manglicmot leads the design and implementation of curriculum, professional learning, instructional programming, school counseling services, strategic planning, 评估和问责制的城市学校分部约26,500 students and more than 2,200 teachers. 她努力确保所有学生都能获得为未来做好准备的机会和资源. Previously, she was director of science, technology, 工程和数学(STEM)以及弗吉尼亚教育部的创新. Over the past 23 years, she also has been a secondary science teacher, educational technology facilitator, building administrator, 数学与科学学部教学技术与创新协调员及主管. 她还曾担任弗吉尼亚联邦大学和威廉学院的兼职教师 & Mary.

Pictured, from left: Lisa Duncan Raines, Aileen Smith, Renee Garrett, Cathy Rossi, Shantell Strickland-Davis and Tina Manglicmot