By Joe Garvey


“He wanted to be an academic geographer,” said Jonathan Leib, 2008年齐格勒把他招到了bet8体育娱乐入口. “事实上, 高中时,他加入了美国地理学家协会, the major professional organization for geographers.”

齐格勒, who died March 4 after a battle with cancer, 他的整个学术生涯都在ODU度过,并成为“人类文化地理学家中的偶像”, 他以前的一个学生,现在是ODU的地理学教授. 齐格勒 was 71.

齐格勒 came to ODU in 1980 after earning his Ph.D. from Michigan State University. 他是政治科学和地理系的教授,直到2016年退休. He served as department chair from 1990 to ’94.

“他是我见过的最善良、最无私的人之一,”莱布说. “And one of the smartest. Academics can sometimes have a reputation for ego. But Don was the opposite. Don had no ego, 无论你是本科生,总是愿意帮助你吗, graduate student, 教师 member, 地理老师或者任何对地理感兴趣的人.”

“Don was a fine, 种类, caring person, who worked for the good of everyone – colleagues, 教师, students and the broader world,” added Chris Drake, professor of geography emerita. 他鼓励其他人在学业上和个人生活上都有所成长.”

“他是我见过的最善良、最无私的人之一. And one of the smartest."

- Jonathan Leib



When he won the SCHEV award, Drake told The Virginian-Pilot 关于一项要求他的学生在校外与他见面的作业. No address was given; they only had the latitude and longitude.

"He's always thinking of new, 以创造性的方式理解问题和表达自己," Drake said at the time.

齐格勒是弗吉尼亚地理联盟的创始成员,这是一个为K-12教师服务的组织. 他曾担任国家地理教育委员会(NCGE)和Gamma Theta Upsilon的主席, the international geography student honor society. 在20世纪90年代末,他帮助创建了大学先修人文地理课程, which is offered in more than 3,500 high schools. 他为高中教师组织了无数的讲习班、研究所和旅行研讨会.

“唐对地理和地理教育的贡献是巨大的,”芭芭拉S. Hildebrant, 谁在1999年至2019年期间在教育考试服务中心工作,是AP人文地理课程推出的主要负责人, wrote in a memorial post. “与唐一起为APHG工作了20年,这是一个我很珍惜的机会. 他的支持始终如一,而且他的幽默感多次使我获胜.”

21世纪初,尼尔·康纳(Neil connor)遇到齐格勒时,他是贝赛德高中(Bayside High School)的一名教师.

“他领导了一门专业发展课程,我现在认为是他说服了我上研究生院成为一名教授,“康纳, a 教师 member at California State University, 夫勒斯诺市, wrote in a memorial post. “I still use a lot of his materials in my own courses, including with my social science student-teachers. 所以,唐的遗产将留在加州的中央山谷.”


“他有一节课讲的是地理学中一个重要的理论概念——中心地理论(Central Place Theory),我至今记忆犹新,” Allen said. “这与城市住区和空间服务的模式和层次有关, 他向我们展示了俄亥俄州和谢南多厄山谷的例子. 它使我对空间统计学的应用大开眼界, 地理信息系统和制图学是我们当前地理课程的标志.”

他广泛的全球旅行“会让里克·史蒂夫, 著名的美国旅行作家和“里克·史蒂夫”欧洲节目主持人,’ a run for his money,” Allen noted.

“但这并不仅仅是为了旅行,”莱布补充说. “It was travel to educate others.”

Toward that end, 齐格勒 began 写博客 in 2010. 他的帖子里充满了他的照片和从平凡的景象中收集到的见解——迹象, 邮箱, cemeteries, landscapes, small-town downtowns, 等.


“我跟他开玩笑,我说,‘唐,你需要一个保险杠贴纸,上面写着‘地理学家在车上’. This car stops for no apparent reason,’” Leib said. “That was Don. 他能像我所见过的任何人一样看到风景中的细节.”


“He showed me a flag he brought back, 兴奋地笑着,诠释着象征意义,” Allen said. 国旗上有一个太阳和它的光线,形状像谷物,还有一只雄鹰在蓝色的田野上. In some sense, this reflects Don to me ... 对生活的热情,对丰富的生活和永无止境的视野.”

即使在他被诊断出患有癌症并被建议不要出国旅行之后, 齐格勒 set a new goal of visiting every U.S. state capital. “T在这里 was no stopping him,” Leib said.

齐格勒 is survived by his wife of 49 years, Deborah; his brother-in-law Donald Emminger; his son, Robert (Hope) 齐格勒; his daughter Megan (Jonathan) Bidanset; and grandchildren Abigail 齐格勒, Lucas 齐格勒, Heidi Bidanset, Alexander Bidanset, Lorelei Bidanset and Theodore Bidanset. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. 5月6日在弗吉尼亚海滩的传统联合卫理公会教堂.

He will also be remembered in November, 届时ODU将主办美国地理学家协会东南分会年会.

“It will comprise the sense of place, 诺福克的历史和城市地理,” Allen said.

You can read 齐格勒’s online obituary 在这里.