
沟通 is one of the more popular minors in the 文学院 and 信. Our minor program produces creative, culturally aware, highly effective, communicators. Our student-centered approach is a synthesis of theoretical and applied learning providing a dynamic, conceptual grounding for lifelong learning and career flexibility.


  • Our program offers diverse courses that can give students a broad coverage of subjects for COMM study or a more focused approach depending on the student goals. We offer courses in the following areas: Interpersonal and Group 沟通 , 健康传播, 和平交流, 跨文化沟通, 战略沟通, 媒体研究, 电影研究, 电影和电视制作.



看看这些想法来自 ODU职业发展服务职业信息网(O*NET). A median salary is a midpoint of what people typically earn—half of those surveyed earned above the median salary, 一半的收入低于.


$52,630 工资中位数

协调员工活动, 大会工作人员, or clients to make arrangements for group meetings, 事件, 或约定.


$75,640 工资中位数

教授传播学课程, 比如组织沟通, 公共关系, 广播/电视广播, 和网站登录. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.


$123,880 工资中位数

计划, 直接, or coordinate advertising policies and programs or produce collateral materials, 比如海报, 竞赛, 优惠券, 或捐赠, to create extra interest in the purchase of a product or service for a department, 整个组织, 或者以账户为基础.


$67,990 工资中位数

Engage in promoting or creating an intended public image for individuals, groups, or organizations. May write or select material for release to various communications media.


WVEC 13频道


What are the requirements to apply for 沟通 at ODU?
Students entering the 小 program in 沟通 should meet the minimum university admission requirements 本科入学.


在ODU, we understand that as a transfer student you have unique needs that require a wide array of campus resources. The Center for Advising 政府 and Academic 合作伙伴关系 aims to create a transfer inclusive culture that supports the successful...


2023-24学年的估计费用. 价格可能会有变动. Anyone that is not a current Virginia resident will be charged non-resident rates. 包括国际学生.

成本每个点数 $250
成本每个点数 $393
技术 Delivered 课程 Outside Virginia and/or the United States
成本每个点数 $407
成本每个点数 $1,073


Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending ODU. For more information visit University Student Financial aid


A limited number of students may qualify each year for scholarships from ODU’s M&年代的程序 布鲁斯T. 以及莎拉·毕晓普捐赠奖学金 was established to assist a full-time student in the 文学院 and 信 who has a cumulative GPA of 3.0或更高, 证明经济需要, and demonstrates evidence of involvement in student activities. (FAFSA) 琳达·H. 以及爱德华·布拉德利奖学金 was established to assist an undergraduate student in the 文学院 and 信 with a minimum GPA of 3.有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生. (FAFSA) The 文学院 and 信 General Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student in the 文学院 and 信. 德鲁里家族捐赠奖学金 由William B. Drewry to be given to a declared undergraduate majoring in the 文学院 and 信. The recipient must be academically average with a grade point average between 2.8和3.0. Preference will be given to a student with financial aid. (FAFSA) R.K.T. “基特”拉尔森奖学金 is made possible by an endowment established in memory of Mr. Larson by his friends and colleagues of The Virginian-Pilot newspaper. The scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior with financial need who is enrolled full-time and works on a school, 社区或大学刊物. Recipient must be a resident of a Virginia or North Carolina city or county served by The Virginian-Pilot. (FAFSA) 纪念及表彰奖学金 基金 is an endowed scholarship that will be awarded to a student with a minimum grade point average of 3.00 and is able to demonstrate involvement in community service.